Issue 1

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Volume Number
Selanik Atatürk Evi 1978 Haziran Depremi Sonrası Restorasyonu
Anadol, Köksal ; Arıoğlu , Ersin (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1981)
20 Haziran 1978 günü saat 20.03'te Selanik kentini sarsan 6,4 gücündeki deprem, Aya Dimitriu Mahallesi Apostolu Pavlu Caddesi 17 numaradaki Atatürk Evi'nde de hasara neden oldu. Depremi izleyen günlerde, Türkiye Dışişleri ...
Başkent Ankara ve Jansen
Yavuz, Fehmi (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1981)
Ankara was established as the capital of Turkey on Oct.13, 1923. The decision to move the capital to central Anatolia was the result of economic, social and cultural factors in addition to factors like security and defense...
Urban Development In Ottoman Anatolia: 16-17th Centuries
Faroqhi , Suraiya (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1981)
Bu makalenin bazı bölümleri, yazarın yayınlanmakta olan "Towns and Townsmen of Ottoman Anatolia, Trade, Crafts, and Food Production in an Urban Setting 1520-1650" adlı kitabının özetini oluşturmaktadır. Öte yandan, "İdarî ...
Mimar Kemalettin Bey (1870-1927)
Yavuz , Yıldırım (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1981)
The initial phase of nationalism in Turkish architecture is known to have covered those turbulent years between 1909-1930 that saw the fall of the Ottoman Empire as well as the dawn of the Turkish Republic. Locally known a...
'Aesthetics' Of Aesthetics: Aesthetic Question In Architectural And Urban Discourses
Teymur, Necdet (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1981)
Özellikle sanat dallarında kullanılagelen 'estetik', 'güzellik' ve 'yapıt' gibi kavramlar 'estetik söylemi' diyebileceğimiz ve belirli dalların sınırlarını aşabilen bir söylemi oluştururlar. Kendini türlü nedenlerle bir 's...
Ankara'da Konut Fiyatlarının Mekansal Farklılaşması
Türel, Ali (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1981)
This paper summaries the analysis of housing prices in Ankara. Before the empirical study, the specific features of urban housing markets in developing countries, such as Turkey, is discussed. The implications of disequili...
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