Issue 1

Issue Number
Volume Number
Obituaries: Ahmet ACAR
Özgüven, Hasan Nevzat; Oran, Adil; Sargın, Güven Arif; Pamir, Haluk; Özgenel, Lale; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Atalay, Mehmet Volkan; Güner, Zehra Nuray; Onay, Lamia Zeynep (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2021-1-01)
Editorial / Yazı Kurulu’ndan
Yazı Kurulu (Middle East Technical University, 2021)
Rebii Gorbon: Mimarlık Ve Seramik Arasında Bir Kariyer
Yüzer, Canse (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
Yirminci yüzyıl, Türkiye’de mimarlık mesleğinin profesyonelleşmesinin yanı sıra meslek güzergahlarının çeşitlenmesine de tanıklık eder. Bu çerçevede hem mimari hem de sanatsal ve endüstriyel seramiğin tasarım ve üretim ala...
The Performance-Based Interlinked Model (PBIM) In Architectural Design: Exchanging Environmental, Structural And Spatial Parameters In The Early Design Stage
Yazıcı, Sevil (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
The paper aims to present a model that generates a framework for incorporating different types of performance issues into the conceptual design to improve the decision-making process of students by extracting only the crit...
Fostering Creative Cognition In Design Education: A Comparative Analysis Of Algorithmic And Heuristic Educational Methods In Basic Design Education
Çiğdem, Zeynep; Ürey, Uysal (2021-6-8)
This research aims to examine the impact of algorithmic and heuristic educational methods in basic design education in an attempt to see their effects on the development of the creative cognition of students. The impact of...
Grasping The Discursivity In Istanbul, Yeldeğirmeni
Karababa , Avşar (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
The aim of this paper is to scrutinize the transformation in Istanbul, Yeldeğirmeni, for understanding and interpreting the notion of culture within the context of globalisation. Yeldeğirmeni is a historic neighbourhood of...
Sinemasal Anlatıda Mekân: Kubrick Filmlerinde Tuvalet Ve Banyolar
Ünver, Büşra (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
Mimarlık ve sinema, zamansal ve mekânsal yapılarıyla yaşanan mekânı ifade eden iki farklı disiplindir. Mimarlık kendi kuramını üretirken sinemadan, sinema da kendini yaratırken mimarlıktan faydalanarak etkileşime geçerler....
Architecture Of Creative Becomings: Sou Fujimoto
Pjesivac, Željka (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
This study is an investigation of Sou Fujimoto’s architectural work as an example of architecture of creative becomings, above all the becoming nature of architecture. The main hypotheses of the study are: (i) that Sou Fuj...
Mimari Habitusun Eşiği Olarak İlk Yıl Mimari Tasarım Stüdyoları
Çil, Ela; Demirel-Özer, Sinem (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
Bu çalışma ilk yıl tasarım stüdyosunu, mesleğe dair somut bilgi ve becerilerin aktarıldığı bir ortam olmanın ötesinde öğrencilerinin bir kültürden diğerine geçiş yaptığı bir eşik olarak ele almaktadır. Stüdyo derslerinin t...
Urban Politics And The Work And Labour Processes Of Architecture: Survey Research With Young Architect-Workers In Turkey
Sert, Esra; Aykaç, Gülşah; Zırh, Besim Can (2021-01-01)
Among the actors of architectural production, architect-workers are increasingly facing neoliberal urbanization and its socio-ecological consequences, and they are also exposed to exploitative work and labour conditions. I...
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