Invariant Metrics and Squeezing Functions on Bounded Domains

Ökten, Ahmed Yekta
In this thesis we will study the biholomorphically invariant objects called squeezing functions. They are closely releated to invariant metrics on bounded domains and describe how much a domain looks like the unit ball looking on a fixed point. In the main part of this thesis, we will give our results on squeezing functions on planar domains. In particular, our main result provides an alternative proof for the explicit formulas of squeezing functions on annuli. Also, we survey results on boundary behaviour of squeezing functions.


Nonlinear free vibration of double walled carbon nanotubes by using describing function method with multiple trial functions
Ciğeroğlu, Ender (2012-09-01)
In this paper, nonlinear free vibration of double walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) embedded in an elastic medium with geometric nonlinearity and interlayer van der Waals force nonlinearity are studied. The motion of the DWCNT is represented by multiple eigenfunctions of the linear system which are referred as trial functions. Describing function method (DFM) is employed in order to represent the nonlinear forces as a multiplication of a nonlinear stiffness matrix and a displacement vector, which made it pos...
Multisymplectic Schemes for the Complex Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation
AYDIN, AYHAN; Karasözen, Bülent (2008-09-20)
In this paper, the multisymplectic formulation of the CMKdV(complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation) is derived. Based on the multisymplectic formulation, the eight-point multisymplectic Preissman scheme and a linear-nonlinear multisymplectic splitting scheme are developed. Both methods are compared numerically with respect to the conservation of local and global quantities of the CMKdV equation.
Nonautonomous Bifurcations in Nonlinear Impulsive Systems
Akhmet, Marat (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-01-01)
In this paper, we study existence of the bounded solutions and asymptotic behavior of an impulsive Bernoulli equations. Nonautonomous pitchfork and transcritical bifurcation scenarios are investigated. An examples with numerical simulations are given to illustrate our results.
Implementation Studies of Robot Swarm Navigation Using Potential Functions and Panel Methods
Merheb, Abdel-Razzak; GAZİ, VEYSEL; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2016-10-01)
This paper presents a practical swarm navigation algorithm based on potential functions and properties of inviscid incompressible flows. Panel methods are used to solve the flow equations around complex shaped obstacles and to generate the flowlines, which provide collision-free paths to the goal position. Safe swarm navigation is achieved by following the generated streamlines. Potential functions are used to achieve and maintain group cohesion or a geometric formation during navigation. The algorithm is i...
Quantum aspects of the noncommutative Sine-Gordon model
Kürkcüoğlu, Seçkin (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2007-09-01)
In this paper, we first use semi-classical methods to study quantum field theoretical aspects of the integrable noncommutative sine-Gordon model proposed in [hep-th/0406065]. In particular, we examine the fluctuations at quadratic order around the static kink solution using the background field method. We derive equations of motion for the fluctuations and argue that at O(θ2) the spectrum of fluctuations remains essentially the same as that of the corresponding commutative theory. We compute the one-loop tw...