Can Interculturality be Assessed in Higher Education?: Reflections on Language Teacher Education

ALTE 55th Meeting and Conference Pluriculturalism: implications for language learning and assessment


Can Interculturality be Assessed in Higher Education?: Reflections on Language Teacher Education
Elmas, Tugay; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel; Çiftçi, Emrullah Yasin (2020-11-06)
Can social psychological models be used to promote bicycle helmet use among teenagers? A comparison of the Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior and the Locus of Control
Lajunen, T; Rasanen, M (2004-01-01)
Problem: The bicycle helmet use rate is still low among teenagers despite the cumulating evidence that bicycle helmets can prevent cyclists from serious injuries and death. The objective of this study was to investigate the usefulness of the Health Belief Model (HBM; Health Education Monographs, 2 (1974) (1), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; Ajzen, I. (1988). Attitudes, personality and behavior. Open University Press, Milton Keynes) and Locus of Control model (LC; Psychological Monographs, (1966) (80) in un...
Can positive emotion influence problem-solving attitudes among suicidal adults?
Joiner, TE; Pettit, JW; Perez, M; Burns, AB; Gençöz, Tülin; Gençöz, Faruk; Rudd, MD (American Psychological Association (APA), 2001-10-01)
A client's mood can hinder or enhance treatment and its effectiveness. Positive emotions can encourage exploration and experimentation, and they may have the long-term effect of resource building. The purpose of the present study was to assess this perspective as applied to the treatment of suicidal individuals. The authors found that patients prone to positive moods, as compared with those less prone to such moods, displayed more positive problem-solving attitudes following treatment for suicidal symptoms,...
Can Financial Stability be Maintained in Developing Countries after the Global Crisis The Role of External Financial Shocks
Cömert, Hasan (2014-01-01)
In the recent global turmoil, even though some developing economies were severely affected, in general, developing countries survived the crisis with less damage than advanced countries. The majority of developing countries did not experience a financial system collapse. What are the main factors behind the solid performance of many developing countries in the recent crisis? This paper argues that the main reason is the fact that developing countries did not face a strong financial account shock, especially...
Can Conversation Analysis Help Preservice Teachers In Practice Teaching?
Balıkçı, Gözde; Seferoğlu, Gölge (2018-04-22)
Citation Formats
A. C. Karaman, E. Y. Çiftçi, and T. Elmas, “Can Interculturality be Assessed in Higher Education?: Reflections on Language Teacher Education,” presented at the ALTE 55th Meeting and Conference Pluriculturalism: implications for language learning and assessment, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: