Çevre mühendisliği eğitiminde akreditasyon

2.Çevre Mühendisliği Eğitimi ve Meslek Alanındaki Gelişmeler Çalıştayı


Çevre mühendisliği eğitim programlarının değerlendirilmesi
Aksoy, Ayşegül; Bayramoğlu, Tuba Hande; İmamoğlu, İpek; Sanin, Faika Dilek; Tuncel, Süleyman Gürdal (2011-03-25)
Çevre Mühendisliğinin geleceğine yönelik görüşler
Aksoy, Ayşegül; İmamoğlu, İpek (null; 2011-03-25)
An analysis of the value debate in environmental ethics
Demir, Onur; Sol, Ayhan; Department of Philosophy (2020)
The aim of this study is to give a general understanding about the value approaches in environmental ethics. I will analyze non-anthropocentric theories based on intrinsic value and pragmatist approach to values and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages separately. In conclusion, I will argue that neither of them provides a comprehensive and coherent suggestion atthe same time, because environmental problems stem from a different reason than the ones that they pur...
Çevre Tarihine Giriş
Dursun, Selçuk (null, 2016-01-01)
The Use of the concept of intrinsic value in anthropocentric and non-anthropocentric approaches in environmental ethics: a metaethical investigation
Aydın Bayram, Selma; Ceylan, Yasin; Department of Philosophy (2016)
The concept of intrinsic value is one of the most disputed concepts of ethics, and in particular, environmental ethics. The traditional approaches towards nature are anthropocentric, attributing intrinsic value merely to human beings. Nowadays, environmental philosophers mostly try to distance themselves from anthropocentric attitudes, and they introduce ethical reasons, which do not consider nature merely instrumentally valuable. In general, environmental ethicists are prone to appeal to the concept of ‘in...
Citation Formats
E. Alp and T. H. Bayramoğlu, “Çevre mühendisliği eğitiminde akreditasyon,” presented at the 2.Çevre Mühendisliği Eğitimi ve Meslek Alanındaki Gelişmeler Çalıştayı, Antalya, Türkiye, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/92624.