Experimental investigation of the effect of steam-solvent injection on heavy oil recovery

Akartuna, Şevket Ersin


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Oil loss mechanisms in internal combustion engines have been subject to many researches. By the help of technological developments effects of several problems due to oil losses were examined and tried to be reduced. Environmental pollution and performance loss are important issues that oil consumption in internal combustion engines contribute. In this study the effects of individual parameters on the oil accumulation in 2nd land crevice of internal combustion engines, volume between top compression rings, w...
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Experimental investigation of residual stresses introduced via shot peening and their effect on fatigue life of ball bearings
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In this study, residual stresses introduced via application of shot peening on the raceways of bearing rings and their effect on the fatigue life was investigated experimentally. For improvement of residual compressive stress state, shot peening operation with different parameters was utilized. Residual stress measurements were conducted via X-ray diffraction technique. Optimization of residual stress state during the production of ball bearings is the main target of this study. Process parameters for shot ...
Citation Formats
Ş. E. Akartuna, “Experimental investigation of the effect of steam-solvent injection on heavy oil recovery,” Middle East Technical University, 1990.