Hair motion simulation

Sahillioğlu, Yusuf
Özgüç, Bülent
Hair motion simulation in computer graphics has been an attraction for many researchers. The application we have developed has been inspired by the related previous work as well as our own efforts in finding useful algorithms to handle this problem. The work we present uses a set of representations, including hair strands, clusters and strips, that are derived from the same underlying base skeleton, where this skeleton is animated by physical, i.e. spring, forces.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


Hair motion simulation
Sahillioğlu, Yusuf (null; 2004-06-01)
Hair motion simulation in computer graphics has been an attraction for many researchers. The application we have developed has been inspired by the related previous work as well as our own efforts in finding useful algorithms to handle this problem. The work we present uses a set of representations, including hair strands, clusters and strips, that are derived from the same underlying base skeleton, where this skeleton is animated by physical, i.e. spring, forces.
Part-Aware Distance Fields for Easy Inbetweening in Arbitrary Dimensions
Tarı, Zehra Sibel (2013-07-01)
The motivation for this work is to explore a possible computer graphics application for a part aware distance field developed recently. Computing in-between shapes is chosen as a toy application. Rather than presenting a highly competitive scheme which continuously morphs one shape into another, our aim is to investigate whether in-betweens may be defined as ordinary averages once a proper shape representation (e.g. a part aware field) is established. The constructions are independent of the dimension of th...
Image compression method based on learned lifting-based dwt and learned zerotree-like entropy model
Şahin, Uğur Berk; Kamışlı, Fatih; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2022-8)
The success of deep learning in computer vision has sparked great interest in investigating deep learning-based algorithms also in many image processing applications, including image compression. The most popular end-to-end learned image compression approaches are based on auto-encoder architectures, where the image is mapped via convolutional neural networks (CNNs) into a transform (latent) representation that is quantized and processed again with CNNs to obtain the reconstructed image. The quantized laten...
Semi dynamic light maps
Öztürk, Bekir; Akyüz, Ahmet Oğuz; Department of Modeling and Simulation (2019)
One of the biggest challenges of real-time graphics applications is to maintain high frame rates while producing realistically lit results. Many realistic lighting effects such as indirect illumination, ambient occlusion, soft shadows, and caustics are either too complex to render in real-time with today's hardware or cause significant hits to frame rates. Light mapping technique offers to precompute the lighting of the scene to speed up expensive lighting calculations at run-time. This allows rendering hig...
Massive crowd simulation with parallel processing
Yılmaz, Erdal; İşler, Veysi; Department of Information Systems (2010)
This thesis analyzes how parallel processing with Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) could be used for massive crowd simulation, not only in terms of rendering but also the computational power that is required for realistic simulation. The extreme population in massive crowd simulation introduces an extra computational load, which is quite difficult to meet by using Central Processing Unit (CPU) resources only. The thesis shows the specific methods and approaches that maximize the throughput of GPU parallel com...
Citation Formats
Y. Sahillioğlu and B. Özgüç, “Hair motion simulation,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 3280, pp. 126–135, 2004, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: