Kırsal Bir Yapı Kültürü: Toroslarda Arı Evleri

Yılmaz Erkovan, Nisa
Özgenel, Lale


Conservation of rural architectural heritage as part of historic rural landscapes: principles and strategies for Zeytinliköy-Agios Theodoros (Gökçeada)
Çolak, Merve; Serin, Ufuk; Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Department of Architecture (2019)
Interactions between traditional rural architecture, the natural environment surrounding it, and the socio-cultural characteristics of the local community using it have all long been debated in terms of the conservation of cultural heritage. However, understanding the human beings and nature, and the tangible and intangible values that emerge as a result of interactions between them as a whole, within the concept of the ‘historical rural landscape’, have become a current issue as a consequence of the incorp...
Kırsal Kalkınma Ve Kadın: Türkiye Örneği
Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan(2011-10-01)
Kapsam: Bu projenin amacı, Türkiye'deki kırsal kalkınmanın ve kırsal kadının durumunu, son dönem kırsal kalkınma politikalarını, genel ulusal ve küresel ekonomik koşulları dikkate alarak incelemektir. Türkiye'deki kırsal kalkınma politikasını kırsal kadınları dikkate alarak incelemek için, kalkınma projelerinin temel varsayım ve hedefleri ve bunların kadınlara yönelik politikalarla nasıl bir ilişki içinde oldukları analiz edilecektir. Yöntem: Kırsal kalkınma politikalarının kuramsal varsayım ve hedefleri il...
The dialogue between community archaeology and livelihoods in rural context: the case of Komana /Tokat.
İlter, Ceren; Erciyas, D. Burcu.; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2020)
Cultural and archaeological heritage, as a reflection of elapsed time, conveys both the traces of past belonging to its immediate territory and also carries them into the future. Throughout centuries new and different layers bearing differing values interweave to contribute to the significance of cultural assets in an intricate way. The cultural, economic, and social dynamics of the territory, where the cultural heritage exists, is shaped by this interwoven and authentic pattern. However, singular and stere...
Connecting Rural Change and Local Crafts: Rebranding Sock Knitting in Yenikaraağaç
Veryeri Alaca, Ilgım; Aktaş, Bilge Merve; Gürel, Burak (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2019-12-31)
Rural development literature has demonstrated that in modern times, farming alone is usually unable to provide sufficient returns to develop a rural economy and keep the processes of outmigration and aging of the rural population in check. The development of non-farm activities such as small-scale industries, handicrafts, and rural tourism has been recognized as an indispensable method of providing relatively sufficient income to villagers, preventing rural exodus, and maintaining a lively village culture w...
Kırsal kalkınmanın mekan organizasyonu elemanı olarak köykent sorununa makro yaklaşım. (A macro approach to the problem of Köykent as an element of spatial organization of rural development).
Bulguç, Hülagü; Department of City Planning (1975)
Citation Formats
N. Yılmaz Erkovan and L. Özgenel, “Kırsal Bir Yapı Kültürü: Toroslarda Arı Evleri,” MILLI FOLKLOR: INTERNATIONAL AND QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF FOLKLORE, vol. 17, no. 133, pp. 188–206, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: