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Virtual Grieving in the Times of COVID-19
Merve Hilal Karabulut TEZ.pdf
Karabulut, Merve Hilal
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In this study, the experiences of the virtual world on grieving, how the virtual world is used in grief, the way bonds in social media are maintained, and the experiences of the virtual world on the reconstruction of meaning during the time of COVID-19 was investigated. To examine the experiences of grieving individuals in virtual environments, qualitative research methodology was chosen to explore individuals' digital grief experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. A phenomenological research design was chosen to identify common aspects of experiences of the grieving process on social media during COVID-19 and their impact on bereaved individuals. Semi structured interviews were conducted with a total of 10 participants, six women and four men, reached through purposive sampling technique. The qualitative data analysis program MAXQDA 2022 was used to complete the content analysis of the results. According to the results of the study, individuals grieving during COVID-19 shared grief posts on their social media accounts. These posts experienced positively and negatively. At the same time, the contribution of social media to the continuity of bonds and the reconstruction of meaning was determined. Positive experiences such as social support and emotion regulation were identified, while negative experiences such as social appearance effect and other people's interactions were found. While the permanence of the deceased person's accounts contributed to the continuity of the bond, the interactions obtained through common experiences on social media contributed to the reconstruction of meaning.
Subject Keywords
social media
continuing bonds
reconstruction of meaning
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
M. H. Karabulut, “Virtual Grieving in the Times of COVID-19,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.