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Effect of hot isostatic pressing on densification, microstructure, and electrical properties of 0.95MgTiO3-0.05CaTiO3 ceramic
Güntop, Selin
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The effect(s) of hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) on densification, microstructure, and electrical properties of pressureless sintered 0.95MgTiO3-0.05CaTiO3 (M0.95CT) ceramic was researched. M0.95CT ceramic was prepared by the mixed oxide method. The powder mixture of the oxide components in appropriate molar ratios was compacted in a stainless steel die by uniaxial action pressing. The square shaped compacts with nominal dimensions of 35 mm in size and 4 mm in thickness were pressureless sintered in air at temperatures of 1300, 1350, and 1400 oC for 1 h. The M0.95CT ceramic pressureless sintered at 1400 oC had 96.06% relative density. HIPing was applied at 1200 oC for 1 h only to the M0.95CT ceramic pressureless sintered at 1400 oC . The effects of HIPing on the characteristics and electrical properties of M0.95CT ceramic was evaluated on the samples produced by application of HIP and without HIP. Results revealed that HIPing has a profound influence on densification, microstructural development, and electrical properties especially on insulating behavior of M0.95CT ceramic.
Subject Keywords
0.95MgTiO3-0.05CaTiO3 ceramic
mixed oxide method
hot isostatic pressing
electrical properties
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
S. Güntop, “Effect of hot isostatic pressing on densification, microstructure, and electrical properties of 0.95MgTiO3-0.05CaTiO3 ceramic,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.