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Scene of transformation of urban space, politics, negotiations, communalities, and interactions: The case of independent theaters in Ankara and İstanbul
Zeynep Baykal Sosyoloji PhD .pdf
Baykal, Zeynep
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The subsidized theater groups have dominated the theatrical field in Turkey from the early republican period. However, from the late 1950s, private/non-subsidized theatrical groups have also begun to develop an institutional structure. Early in the 1990s and more so in the 2000s, the country's shifting socioeconomic conditions led to a divergent and pluralized theatrical landscape. Most theater practitioners nowadays produce plays for smaller audiences in unconventional theatrical venues, offering their audiences a variety of artistic languages, different means of expression, as well as novel spatiality and encounters. Although these theater companies seem to play a minor role in daily life, particularly in Istanbul and Ankara, it is worthwhile to examine them from a sociological perspective, through a wide range of layers including the rising number of independent theater groups, their members, the production styles, their position in urban life, and their connectedness to social phenomena. Accordingly, this study examines how the theater industry has changed since the 2010s, as well as the individuals who make up these independent theater companies, the plays they produce, and the venues in which they do it. In this framework, how independent theaters founded in Istanbul and Ankara since the mid-2000s have turned into a new experience area, and new public space for local urban audiences will be discussed. The dissertation also attempts to comprehend how such theater groups contributed to the development of new political meaning and a new understanding of urban culture.
Subject Keywords
Independent Theaters
Occupational Sociology
Urban Culture
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
Z. Baykal, “Scene of transformation of urban space, politics, negotiations, communalities, and interactions: The case of independent theaters in Ankara and İstanbul,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2023.