Department of Aerospace Engineering

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Publication (1604)
Thesis (631)
Project (65)
Open Course (3)

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Yes (781)

Tekinalp, Ozan (132)
Kayran, Altan (123)
Yaman, Yavuz (113)
Kurtuluş, Dilek Funda (111)
Çöker, Demirkan (110)

Aerospace Engineering (60)
Mechanical Engineering (60)
Aerospace engineering. (59)
Airplanes (48)
Mechanics of Materials (48)

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1973 - 1979 (2)
1980 - 1999 (200)
2000 - 2019 (1706)
2020 - 2025 (395)

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Conference Paper (1011)
Master Thesis (567)
Journal Article (441)
Ph.D. Thesis (64)
Project (34)

Recent Submissions

Investigation of Variable Taper Angle Design in Highly Tapered Laminates for Delaying Delamination
Ergin, Fırat; Kayran, Altan (2025-03-01)
Specific requirements in aircraft components may necessitate the use of high taper angles in the thickness transition region of composite laminates, leading to early delamination initiation at the thin side of the taper re...
Comparative Aerodynamic Analysis and Parallel Performance of 2D CFD Simulations of a VAWT Using Sliding Mesh Interface Method
Önel, Hüseyin Can; Adam, Ali Ata; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2025-02-01)
With rapid advancements in computer hardware and numerical modeling methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has gained prominence in simulating complex flows. As parallel computation becomes an industry standard, the c...
Surrogate model based optimization of variable stiffness composite wingbox for improved buckling load with manufacturing and failure constraints
Inci, Hasan; Kayran, Altan (2025-01-01)
The buckling load of a wingbox is maximized by applying different automatic fiber placement (AFP) strategies on the skins of the wing having NACA 4412 airfoil profile. Specifically, the effect of single, dual and three reg...
Design optimization of a fluidic thrust vectoring system based on coanda effect using meta-models
Kara, Emre; Kurtuluş, Dilek Funda (2024-12-30)
In this study, parametric optimization is employed to identify optimal output parameters for physical components of HOMER nozzle type fluidic thrust vectoring (FTV) system. Optimization study is conducted on seven output p...
Design Optimization of a Novel Flush Boundary Layer Diverter
Kucuk, Umut Can; Tuncer, İsmail Hakkı (2024-12-01)
A novel boundary layer diverter is designed and optimized for increasing the performance of a typical semi-submerged inlet ingesting large amounts of boundary layer flow. A conceptual diverter configuration based on the pr...
Relative position estimation using modulated magnetic field for close proximity formation flight
Shibata, Takuma; Söken, Halil Ersin; Sakai, Shin-ichiro (2024-12-01)
This paper presents a method to estimate relative position vectors between spacecraft equipped with magnetic coils and magnetic field sensors for close proximity operation. Filters can segregate a magnetic field with a par...
The oscillating vortex generator: a boundary layer propulsion and flow control device
Anılır, Berkan; Kurtuluş, Dilek Funda; Platzer, M. F. (2024-11-29)
This paper aims to explore the feasibility of providing boundary layer propulsion and flow control by means of embedded aerofoils that are oscillating in the pure plunge mode. To this end, Navier-Stokes calculations of the...
Numerical and experimental investigations of swirl-stabilized partially premixed flames using natural gas-hydrogen-air mixtures
Böncü, Emre; Güleryüz, Dilay; Karaca, Mehmet; Allouis, Christophe Gerard; Gökalp, İskender (2024-10-01)
This study uses experimental and numerical techniques to examine natural gas and hydrogen mixtures as fuel with a partially premixed swirl-stabilized burner. Variations in the fuel mixture composition were investigated thr...
Pala Elemanı Teorisi Tabanlı Helikopter Rotor Simülasyonları için Aerodinamik Düzeltme Modelleri
Dağalp, Alper; Bayrak, Yusuf; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-09-18)
Rotor Pala Uç Şeklinin Aerodinamik Performansa Etkisinin Helikopter Rotor Simülasyon Modeli ile İncelenmesi
Arslan, Ayşe; Yaparlar, Teoman; Çetinel, Deniz Can; Dağalp, Alper; Bayrak, Yusuf; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Okçu, Ilgaz Doğa (2024-09-18)
Kanat Konfigürasyonlarının Aeroelastik Tepkisinin Nümerik Metotlar ile İncelenmesi
Fırat, Ali Osman; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-09-18)
Pala Elemanı Teorisi Tabanlı Helikopter Rotor Simülasyonları için Trim ve Doğrusallaştırma Modellerinin İncelenmesi
Hafızoğlu, Utku; Çetinel, Deniz Can; Bayrak, Yusuf; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Okçu, Ilgaz Doğa (2024-09-18)
Sesüstü Harici Sıkıştırma Rampalı Hava Alığı Modelinin Farklı Türbülans Modelleri ile Sayısal İncelenmesi
Özcan, Muhammed Enes; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2024-09-18)
Three-dimensional flows in the wake of a non-cavitating and cavitating marine propeller
Başkan Perçin, Özge; Fiscaletti, Daniele; Elsinga, Gerrit E.; Van Terwisga, Tom (2024-09-01)
Tip-vortex cavitation is among the first forms of cavitation to appear around ship propellers. In the present study, the time-resolved three-dimensional flow field around non-cavitating and cavitating tip vortices in the w...
A Comparative Study on the Efficiencies of Aerodynamic Reduced Order Models of Rigid and Aeroelastic Sweptback Wings
Özkaya Yılmaz, Özge; Kayran, Altan (2024-08-01)
This paper presents the effect of wing elasticity on the efficiency of a nonintrusive reduced order model using a three-dimensional sweptback wing. For this purpose, a computationally low-cost but highly accurate nonintrus...
Bioinspired soft-hard interfaces fabricated by multi-material additive manufacturing: A fracture mechanics investigation using essential work of fracture
ALTUNTAŞ, UMUT; Çöker, Demirkan; Yavas, Denizhan (2024-08-01)
This study employs the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF) concept to evaluate the interfacial fracture toughness of bioinspired interfaces between soft and hard polymer phases. The experimental framework utilizes a model mat...
Effect of flame characteristics on an isolated ethanol droplet evaporating through stagnation methane/air flames: An experimental and numerical study
Kaya Eyice, Deniz; Karaca, Mehmet; Halter, Fabien; Gökalp, İskender; Chauveau, Christian (2024-07-01)
A single ethanol droplet evaporation through laminar methane/air stagnation flame is investigated at lean, stoichiometric and rich conditions experimentally and numerically. For the droplets having initial diameters of 20-...
Experimental investigation of momentum ratio and impingement angle effects on spray characteristics of triplet and pentad injectors
Gulmez, Senem; Kahveci, Harika Senem (2024-07-01)
A comprehensive experimental investigation is conducted to analyze the effects of momentum ratio and impingement angle on impinging spray characteristics of triplet and pentad injectors by using Phase Doppler Anemometry (P...
Hydroacoustic analysis of tip-vortex cavitation behind a ship propeller
Başkan Perçin, Özge; Fiscaletti, Daniele; Elsinga, Gerrit; Van Terwisga, Tom (2024-06-05)
A non-iterative boundary element formulation for nonlinear viscoelasticity
Akay, Ahmet Arda; Gürses, Ercan; Göktepe, Serdar (2024-06-01)
In this study, we propose a non-iterative boundary element method (BEM) of highly nonlinear viscoelasticity in time domain. The computationally attractive iteration-free algorithmic structure is achieved by the linearizati...
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