Department of Geological Engineering

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Publication (576)
Thesis (213)
Project (52)

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Akgün, Haluk (60)
Sayıt, Kaan (52)
Özacar, Atilla Arda (52)
Altıner, Demir (50)
Bozkurt, Erdin (49)

Geology (49)
Turkey (34)
Geophysics (24)
Earth-Surface Processes (22)
Water Science and Technology (22)

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1969 - 1979 (18)
1980 - 1999 (143)
2000 - 2019 (576)
2020 - 2025 (103)

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Journal Article (296)
Conference Paper (190)
Master Thesis (165)
Ph.D. Thesis (48)
Project (34)

Recent Submissions

Integrated fracture analysis for improved oil recovery in the reefal limestones of Soğucak formation, Northwest Thrace Basin, Türkiye
Karaca, Ergin; Yılmaz, İsmail Ömer; ÇİFCİ, GÜNAY; Tortopoğlu, Bulut; Akın, Serhat (2025-01-01)
Natural fractures play a crucial role in both exploration and development phases in oil and gas industry, as their network and orientation significantly affect flow and recovery strategies. This study highlights the import...
Çank Çömlekte Petrografik Yöntemler
Biler, Ceren Nur; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (Zero To Three, 2024-11-01)
A methodology providing new insights into the flow patterns of karst aquifers: an example from SW Türkiye
Maramathas, Athanasios; Katsanou, Konstantina; Sağır, Çağdaş; Baba, Alper; Lambrakis, Nikolaos (2024-10-01)
This paper presents a new and innovative methodology for the investigation of karst systems using spring discharge. The behaviour of springs in phase space is investigated by plotting the measurements of spring discharge v...
Numerical and Experimental Approach to Evaluate Microplastic Transport in Saturated Porous Media
Okutan, Hande; Sağır, Çağdaş; Kurtuluş, Bedri; Özmen, Hasan Burak; Pekkan, Emrah; Razack, Moumtaz; Le Coustumer, Philippe (2024-09-01)
Under varying flow rate conditions, the transport and retention of polydisperse microplastics (MPls), with an average particle size of 16 ± 6 µm, were investigated in saturated porous media. First-order reversible and irre...
Block Rotations in NW Iran in Response to the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Constrained by Paleomagnetism
Niknam, Ali; van der Boon, Annique; Rezaeian, Mahnaz; Kaymakcı, Nuretdin; Langereis, Cor (2024-08-01)
Northwest Iran is a seismically active region dominated by NW-SE trending strike-slip faults, such as the North Tabriz and Qosha Dagh faults, and smaller NNE-SSW striking faults. The Bozgush Mountains are shaped by these f...
Toridler’in (Güney Türkiye) Çangsingiyen’inden (Üst Permiyen) Yeni Tür Glomomidiellopsis? okayi ve Diğer Yeni Foraminiferler: Evrimsel Kökenleri ve Paleobiyocoğrafik Dağılımları
Altıner, Demir; Payne, Jonathan; Lehrmann, Daniel; Atasoy, Serdar Görkem; Altıner, Sevinç (2024-06-10)
Güney Türkiye’nin Çangsingiyen karbonatlarından, yeni tür Glomomidiellopsis? okayi’yi de içeren, çok sayıda yeni foraminifer tanımlanmakta ve Orta-Geç Permiyen zaman dilimi içinde evrimsel kökenleri ve paleobiyocoğrafik da...
Delamination Magmatism in Eastern Anatolia: A Geochemical Perspective
Aktağ, Alican; Sayıt, Kaan; Furman, Tanya; Peters, Bradley J. (2024-05-01)
The Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope geochemistry of the Late Miocene Tunceli Volcanics suggests that they are the products of mixed asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle melts. The combined elemental and mineral chemistry data additi...
İzmir İl Merkezindeki Toprağın Jeokimyasal ve Mineralojik Özelliklerinin Sağlık Açısından Risk Değerlendirmesindeki Önemi
Kılıç, Atilla; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2024-04-18)
İzmir il nüfusunun yaklaşık %25'ini oluşturan Bayraklı, Bornova ve Konak olmak üzere üç ilçeden alınan toprak ve kayaç örneklerinin jeokimyasal özellikleri bu ilçelerin bazı bölgelerinde insanlar için potansiyel sağlık ...
Çatalçam (Manisa) Epitermal Zn-Pb-Au Cevherleşmesi Üzerindeki Yapısal Kontroller
İmer, Ali; Ergili, Hilal; Kaymakcı, Nuretdin (2024-04-15)
Karamadazı Bölgesi’nde (Yahyalı, Kayseri, Orta Anadolu) Yeni Bir Porfiri Keşfi – Çubuklu Cu-Mo Prospekti
Gürgen, Müge; İmer, Ali; Serçe, Deniz Can (2024-04-15)
Classification and modification of slake durability test for different types of rocks
Ersöz, Timur; Topal, Tamer (2024-04-01)
Rocks exposed to atmospheric conditions are subjected to weathering processes driven by numerous factors especially precipitation. The slaking behavior attributed to water-induced weathering particularly affects rocks cont...
A Novel VS30 Prediction Strategy Taking Fluid Saturation into Account and a New VS30 Model of Türkiye
Okay, Hakan Bora; Özacar, Atilla Arda (2024-04-01)
The averaged shear-wave velocity of the top 30 m (VS30) is widely used in earthquake engineering as a proxy to represent site responses. However, the spatial availability of measured VS30 is rather limited, and, so far, a ...
İzmir Kent Merkezinin Toprakları İçin Sağlık Riski Değerlendirmesi
Kılıç, Atilla; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2024-03-08)
The geochemical characteristics of soil horizons and specific rock types in the vicinity of Izmir city center were studied for interpretation to see the possible health risk associated with geogenic control. The purpose of...
Impact of human and natural causes on shrinking Burdur Lake in the semi-arid Mediterranean region of Turkiye
Kılıç Germeç, Hatice; Yazıcıgil, Hasan (2024-03-08)
Evidence for Holocene Earthquakes along the Húsavík-Flatey Fault in North Iceland: Implications for the Seismic Behavior of Oceanic Transform Faults
Matrau, Rémi; Klinger, Yann; Thorðarson, Thorvaldur; Guðmundsdóttir, Esther R.; Avşar, Ulaş; Parisi, Laura; Fittipaldi, Margherita; Jónsson, Sigurjón (2024-03-01)
Understanding the long-term seismic behavior of oceanic transform faults is challenging because their location underwater generally prevents the use of classical paleoseismological techniques. The Húsavík-Flatey fault (HFF...
Seismo-turbidites reveal locations of major earthquakes during the past millennium in the Gulf of Aqaba, southern Dead Sea Fault
Bektaş, Zeynep; Avşar, Ulaş; Ribot, Matthieu; Klinger, Yann; Jónsson, Sigurjón (2024-03-01)
Although ample historical and paleoseismological information is available on major past earthquakes along the onland part of the Dead Sea Fault, knowledge of the seismic behavior of its southernmost part in the Gulf of Aqa...
Development of the early Carnian deepening upward sequence of the Huglu Unit within the tectonic slices/blocks of the Mersin Mélange, southern Turkey: Biochronologies, geochemistry of volcaniclastics and palaeogeographic implications
TEKİN, UĞUR KAĞAN; Krystyn, Leopold; Kürschner, Wolfram M.; Sayıt, Kaan; Okuyucu, Cengiz; Forel, Marie-Béatrice (2024-02-15)
The Mersin Ophiolitic Complex in southern Turkey includes two different units; the Mersin Mélange (MM) and Mersin Ophiolite with a metamorphic sole. Within the MM the Tavuscayiri megablock exposes in the Kilin section the ...
Radiolarian and planktonic foraminiferal biochronology of the Soğukçam Limestone Group, Elmadağ Olistostrome, and Unaz Formation (Ankara region, central Türkiye): Insights into the Cretaceous evolution of the Sakarya Continent and overlying units
TEKİN, UĞUR KAĞAN; SARI, BİLAL; TUNCER, ALAETTİN; Sayıt, Kaan; Okuyucu, Cengiz; Guzgun, Cagri (2024-01-01)
The Ankara region (central T & uuml;rkiye) comprises a part of the Sakarya Terrane and the accretionary remnants inherited from the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan (IAE) branch of the Northern Neotethys. The Sakarya Terrane is chara...
Assessment of Complex Rock Slope Instabilities in Mudurnu, Turkey, Through Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses: A Case Study
Arslan Kelam, Arzu; Akgün, Haluk; Bobet, Antonio; KOÇKAR, MUSTAFA KEREM (2024-01-01)
Mudurnu is a county of Bolu Province, in Turkey, that was historically located on major trade routes (i.e., the Silk Road and the Crimean Road) and served as a trading town and military base in the Byzantine, Seljuk, and O...
Preliminary documentation of coseismic ground failure triggered by the February 6, 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence
Görüm, Tolga; Tanyas, Hakan; Karabacak, Furkan; Yılmaz, Abdüssamet; Girgin, Serkan; Allstadt, Kate E.; Süzen, Mehmet Lütfi; Burgi, Paula (2023-12-20)
The devastating Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence occurred on February 6, 2023. Two main events, Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.5 occurred 9 hours apart, affected 11 cities in Turkey, and subjected an area of ∼90,000 km2 to shaking level...
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