The Constitutive role of German national identity formation in the Turkish migrants'perception of self and other

Yelutaş, Nihan


The role of social identity and collective memory in predicting collective action in Turkey s Alevis
Bükün, Mehmet Fatih; Cingöz Ulu, Banu (null; 2016-07-16)
The role of social identity and collective memory in predicting in-group bias and collective action in Turkey‟s alevis
Bükün, Mehmet Fatih; Cingöz Ulu, Banu; Department of Psychology (2014)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between social identity, collective action participation and in-group bias in the Alevi community in Anatolia. In doing this, the mediatory role of collective memory is also investigated. In examining collective memory, one positive event and one negative event that Alevis had lived through in the past were selected (Namely, the re-opening of Haji Bektash Veli Dervish Lodge in 1964 which was closed in 1925 was chosen as the positive event and Madımak Mas...
The Role of Collective Emotions in Silencing the Past or Reparation Intentions of Turks toward Kurds in Türkiye
Taşyürek, Ezgi; Cingöz Ulu, Banu; Department of Psychology (2022-8)
Conflict and conflict resolution are important topics in intergroup relations. Conflicts can occur depending on different factors such as ethnicity, culture, or religion, and the parties of conflict can act against each other, which in turn, leads to misdeeds. Silencing the past or past wrongdoings toward the out-groups is an interesting topic for intergroup conflict. The role of collective emotions, experienced simultaneously by many people in society, in silencing the past is important to understand the u...
The Role of the Entellectuals within the Process of the Neoliberal Turn in Turkey
Okyayuz, Mehmet (2009-05-02)
The place of native culture in the intercultural training of pre-service English language teachers : the Turkish case
Kaçar, Mustafa; Hatipoğlu, Çiler; Department of English Literature (2019)
This study explored pre-service English language teachers' definitions of culture and their views about the incorporation of cultural content, in particular Turkish cultural content, into English language classes. The study also examined the place of Turkish culture in the intercultural training of pre-service English language teachers in Turkey. The data for this study were collected through a questionnaire administered to 80 senior pre-service teachers studying in the Department of Foreign Language Educat...
Citation Formats
N. Yelutaş, “The Constitutive role of German national identity formation in the Turkish migrants’perception of self and other,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.