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Analysis of corner effects on in-situ walls supporting deep excavations: comparison of plane strain and three dimensional analysis
Ünlü, Güliz
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In this thesis, hypothetical cases of in-situ walls, that are supported at one, two and four levels, as well as cantilever walls, are analyzed using plane strain and 3D finite element programs. A parametric study is performed by varying the soil stiffness. Deflection, moment, anchor loads and effective lateral earth pressures acting on the walls are examined to understand corner effect. Comparisons are made between plane strain and 3D without corner analysis results to confirm that two programs yield similar results. Moreover, two deep excavation case histories namely: i) Ankara Çankaya trade center and residence and, ii) Ekol construction are analyzed using calibrated models. Calibrations of the models are made using inclinometer data. In hypothetical models, it is found that corner effects on deflections diminish after 20m distance from the corner for excavations that are 8m and 12m deep. Corner effects on deflection decrease as elastic modulus of soil or stiffness of the system increase. Moment diagram pattern changes along the excavation side in cantilever case study. Moment diagram obtained around a corner in 3D analysis and diagrams obtained from the plane strain analyses by modeling the corner as a strut are quite similar. The anchor loads increase until 10-15m distance from the corner. After this distance they become nearly constant. In the analysis of case histories, a trial error solution is adopted to fit the deformed shape of piled wall obtained from 3D analysis to the deformations recorded by inclinometers. These results are compared with the results of plane strain analyses. Ankara-Çankaya project is solved by modeling the corner as strut in plane strain analyses. Results of this analyze agrees with field monitoring data, indicating that corner effects could be simulated by modeling the perpendicular pile wall as a strut in plane strain analysis.
Subject Keywords
Civil engineering.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
G. Ünlü, “Analysis of corner effects on in-situ walls supporting deep excavations: comparison of plane strain and three dimensional analysis,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2008.