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Production and assesment of compacted graphite iron diesel engine blocks
Alkan, Anıl
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In Diesel engine blocks properties such as tensile strength, heat conductivity, sound damping, engine vibration and noise are strongly influenced by graphite shape and volume percent in the matrix microstructure. In this study, the engine blocks were produced at ELBA Basınçlı Döküm Odöksan Cast iron foundry in Osmaneli Turkey by performing casting into furan resin sand and preparing cast iron liquid alloy in induction furnace that were treated with Mg by using ladle method. The main purpose of this study is to achive 0 – 25% volume nodularity and remaining is compacted graphite in the produced engine blocks. The shape and volume percent of graphite particles were characterized by an image analyze system. In the first part of this work, after the diesel engine blocks were produced at ELBA Basınçlı Döküm Odöksan Cast iron foundry in Osmaneli Turkey, the blocks were cut and samples were obtained from 14 different thicknesses of diesel engine blocks. Afterwards, the samples were examined under optical microscope, Soif XJP-6A. The nodularity and compacted graphite values were obtained numerically with the help of Materials Plus image analyzer systems, which is attached to the optical microscope. v In the second part of the study, the diesel engine blocks which are produced at Odöksan were examined by ultrasonic test that was done by using USM 35 flaw detector test machine. Solidification – time and temperature – time simulations were also done by using NovaCast NovaFlow simulation code. Finally mathematical formulas for 13 different thickness of diesel engine blocks were obtained by using excel linest code. The compacted graphite volume percent observed at different sections of the diesel engine blocks were found to be a function of cooling rate and chemical composition. Best results were obtained when chemical Mg/S ratio was approximately 1 and C.E.V. was between 4.40 – 4.50.
Subject Keywords
Diesel motor
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
A. Alkan, “Production and assesment of compacted graphite iron diesel engine blocks,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.