A survey of competing risk analysis: A medical application

Talu, Ceylan


A comparison of the analyses and evaluations of observed classroom events by co-operating teachers and student teachers : a case study
Kırkıcı, Bilal; Vancı-Osam, Ülker; Department of English Language Teaching (2000)
A Case Study on Bridge-Scour Risk Assessment
Yanmaz, Ali Melih (2010-09-27)
Many bridges fail or subject to considerable stability problems because of excessive scouring at infrastructural elements, such as piers and abutments. Computation of maximum possible depth of scour at these elements would lead to safe and economical design of footings. Scour depth computation is also of importance for existing bridges to assess their vulnerability against this phenomenon throughout their remaining life spans. A ...
A VAR analysis of monetary policy in Turkey
Birkan, Ayşe Özden; Ekinci, Nazım K.; Department of Economics (1998)
A Review and Categorization of Instructional Design Models
Dönmez, Mehmet; Çağıltay, Kürşat (null; 2016-11-16)
The aim of this study is to provide a review of instructional design (ID) models and toenlighten the evolution of ID models. The review study starts from the generic ID model which isADDIE model, and continues to explore the other ID models. The review includes the articlesindexed in Thomson’s Web of Science database published between 2000 and 2016. In thiscontext, 43 articles were reached. After the analysis of these articles, 33 ID models were identifiedand 14 more articles related to th...
A comparative study on energy income estimation: A case study in Turkey
AK, MÜMTAZ; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Kentel Erdoğan, Elçin (2014-10-01)
Hydropower is the main domestic energy resource of Turkey. The total gross and the economically feasible hydropower potentials of Turkey are estimated as 433 TWh/yr and 127 TWh/yr, respectively, by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) of the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs.(1) Approximately 35% of the economically feasible hydropower potential is currently being utilized. The government accelerated the development of the unused potential by enabling the private sector to build and o...
Citation Formats
C. Talu, “A survey of competing risk analysis: A medical application,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.