Anlı Ataöv Demirkan

Department of City and Regional Planning
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Empowering the community through participation and action in historic neighbourhood conservation planning
Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı; Kahraman, Z. Ezgi Haliloğlu; Osmay, Sevin (2022-06-01)
© 2021 Higher Education Press Limited CompanyThis paper presents an attempt to initiate community empowerment within the participatory neighbourhood upgrading context of the Şengül Hammam Neighbourhood (İstiklal). We adopt...
Searching for pathways of sustainable water management on the Konya plain
Peker, Ender; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı; Özkavaf, Sıla; Massa, Michele; Motta, Davide (2021-12-01)
Barriers to Implementing Local Climate Action Plans in Turkey: Searching for a Potential Way Out
Peker, Ender; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (Springer, 2021-01-01)
Co-designing Local Climate Action: A Methodological Framework from a Democratic Perspective
Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı; Peker, Ender (Springer, 2021-01-01)
Socio-spatial Sensitivity Areas in Wind Energy Transition: The Case of Izmir
Demir, Basak; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (2021-01-01)
Growing energy need is obvious considering the increasing population, industrial development, together with today's fossil fuel based living conditions. Within this framework renewable energy transition is inevitable in se...
Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Scale Matters!
Peker, Ender; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (Springer, 2021-01-01)
Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı; Peker, Ender (İdealKent, 2020-12-01)
Kentler hızlı dönüşümler geçiriyor. Farklı hedefleri olan kentleşme pratikleri, çoğu zaman “çocukları unutan” uygulamalar olarak hayata geçiyor. Çocuklar, onları göz ardı eden kentsel politikaların etkilerini doğrudan soka...
Urban streets and urban social sustainability: a case study on Bagdat street in Kadikoy, Istanbul
Lotfata, Aynaz; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (Informa UK Limited, 2020-09-01)
This paper focuses on the social function of historical public space in Turkey that has been transformed with rise of modernism. Before that, it functioned as a suburban recreational area. The increasing demand for urban l...
Belediyeler İçin İklim Değişikliği Rehberi
Peker, Ender; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (İdealKent Yayınları (Sertifika No: 46320), 2020-01-01)
Bu rehber, yerel iklim eylemini başlatmak ve mevcut mekânsal planlama ve uygulama pratiklerini iklim değişikliğine duyarlı hale getirmek için bir çerçeve önerisi sunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, rehber, iklim değişikliği tartışma...
Exploring the ways in which campus open space design influences students' learning experiences
Peker, Ender; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (Informa UK Limited, 2019-06-05)
Recent research conducted on campus learning environments suggests that more learning takes place outside of class time than ever before; thus, students seek alternative learning spaces in campus settings. This research fo...
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