On radial and quasi-radial Fourier Multipliers

Ünsalan, Billur


Multiscale pore structure characterization and pore network modeling of middle east carbonates
Gündoğar, Satı Aslı; Akın, Serhat; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2017)
The complex interplay between structural and wettability heterogeneities is responsible for the limited pore network modeling studies on carbonates. In this study, our purpose is to develop structurally representative pore networks of Middle East carbonates and to predict their macroscopic difficult-to-measure relative permeability and capillary pressure hysteresis curves and residual oil trends under mixed-wettability conditions. In comparison with the conventional pore-scale models, particular emphasis is...
A Philosophical approach to upper-level ontologies
Satıoğlu, Dilek; Zambak, Aziz Fevzi; Department of Philosophy (2015)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a philosophical approach to upper-level ontologies. The ontologies and/or categorical system of Aristotle, Kant, Husserl, and Quine are evaluated in order to give a philosophical understanding of ontologies. After an explanation of the developments in ontology as a new interdisciplinary study, the most well known upper-level ontologies, BFO, DOLCE, SUMO, and Cyc, are analysed technically. In the light of philosophical ontologies and categorical systems, these upper-level...
Reformulation of the concept of understanding in Heidegger's and Gadamer's hermeneutic theories
Günok, Emrah; Ergüden, Akın; Department of Philosophy (2004)
The goal of the present dissertation is to display the reconstruction of the concept of understanding which has down through the history of philosophy been used as the synonym of knowing. Hence, my main intention is to focus on the Heidegger2s and Gadamer2s critique of epistemological conception of understanding and their reevaluation of this concept in terms of ontology. Finally, I will try to examine the similarities and dissimilarities between the philosophers and try to call attention to their emphasis ...
Results on characterizations of plateaued functions in arbitrary characteristic
Mesnager, Sihem; Özbudak, Ferruh; Sınak, Ahmet (2016-01-01)
Bent and plateaued functions play a significant role in cryptography since they can have various desirable cryptographic properties. In this work, we first provide the characterizations of plateaued functions in terms of the moments of their Walsh transforms. Next, we generalize the characterizations of Boolean bent and plateaued functions in terms of their second-order derivatives to arbitrary characteristic. Moreover, we present a new characterization of plateaued functions in terms of fourth power moment...
Gurbuz, Merve; Tezer, Münevver (2019-01-01)
In this study, the radial basis function (RBF) approximation is applied for solving the unsteady fluid flow and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) convection flow problems with the use of explicit Euler time discretization and relaxation parameters to accelerate the convergence. The stability analysis is also carried out in terms of the spectral radius of related RBF discretized coefficient matrices. The optimal choices of the time increment, relaxation parameters and physical problem parameters are found for achiev...
Citation Formats
B. Ünsalan, “On radial and quasi-radial Fourier Multipliers,” Middle East Technical University, 1988.