How to maintain a marriage: Maintenance behaviors, equity, and appreciation in understanding marital satisfaction(+)

Kayabol, Nazli Busra Akcabozan
Sümer, Zeynep
This study investigated the role of self-reported and perceived partners' use of maintenance behaviors (openness, sharing tasks, and positivity) on marital satisfaction through the indirect roles of relational equity and appreciation (felt and expressed). We used a sample of 602 married individuals living in Turkey to test two hypothesized models using Structural Equation Modeling. Our results from the first model indicated that the indirect associations between self-reported use of maintenance behaviors and marital satisfaction were explained by the individual mediator role of felt appreciation and serial indirect role of felt appreciation and relational equity. On the other hand, the results of the second model indicated that the indirect associations between partners' use of maintenance behaviors and marital satisfaction were explained by the individual mediator roles of relational equity and expressed appreciation as well as the serial indirect role of relational equity and expressed appreciation. We discussed the implications for theory, research and practice, and recommendations for further studies.


Factors associated with relationship satisfaction: Importance of communication skills
Eǧeci, I. Sine; Gençöz, Tülin (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2006-09-01)
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Quality of marital relationships is consistently linked to personal well-being. However, almost all of the studies linking marital processes to well-being have been conducted in Western (particularly North American) countries. Growing evidence shows that perceived partner responsiveness is a central relationship process predicting well-being in Western contexts but little is known about whether this association generalizes to other countries. The present work investigated whether the predictive role of perc...
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Citation Formats
N. B. A. Kayabol and Z. Sümer, “How to maintain a marriage: Maintenance behaviors, equity, and appreciation in understanding marital satisfaction(+),” CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, pp. 0–0, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: