Honor Scale: A study for reliability and validity

Ceylan Batur, Suzan
Sakallı, Nuray
The purpose of the study was to adapt the Honor Scale (HS), which is composed of four different honor codes including feminine honor, masculine honor, family honor, and moral integrity (Rodriguez Mosquera, Manstead, & Fischer, 2002b) by adding culture-congruent items, and examine the reliability and validity of the emerging scale. In line with this purpose, three studies were conducted. Study 1 (N = 57; Mage = 33.46, SDage = 15.53) was carried out to acquire additional culture-congruent items, which was used in the Study 2 (N = 422; Mage = 28.84, SDage = 6.84) on the purpose of assessing the reliability and validity of HS. Moreover, Study 3 (N = 818; Mage = 21.30, SDage = 2.15) was conducted to evaluate the generalizability of the Study 2, by using only the original HS items. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses suggested a three-factor solution for the scale (feminine honor, masculine honor, and moral integrity). Cronbach‟s alpha coefficients for the scale was .94 (Study 2) and .90 (Study 3); and ranged from .82 to .92 (Study 2) and .85 to .88 (Study 3) for the subscales. In conclusion, the results of the psychometric analyses show that the Turkish version of HS is a reliable and valid measurement tool for the studies relevant to this topic.
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Citation Formats
S. Ceylan Batur and N. Sakallı, “Honor Scale: A study for reliability and validity,” Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi, pp. 236–253, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/42433.