Urban Form and Sustainable Transport: Lessons from the Ankara Case

There is growing awareness that urban form and the density, diversity and design of development have significant effects on travel behavior and car usage. Compactness and corridor development, particularly when supported with a mix of different land uses, can result in sustainable transport patterns. The planning experience of Ankara contributes to these arguments, since studies from the 1970s onwards promoted corridor development for the city, with a significant focus on bringing homes and workplaces together. The paper assesses this experience and discusses the effectiveness of, as well as challenges to, planning approaches that promote sustainable urban patterns.


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Citation Formats
E. Babalık, “Urban Form and Sustainable Transport: Lessons from the Ankara Case,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION, pp. 416–430, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/44511.