Development of a portable bioagent detection and early warning system



Development of a rapid-scan fiber-integrated terahertz spectrometer
Keskin, Hakan; Altan, Hakan; Yavas, Seydi; İLDAY, Fatih Ömer; Eken, Koray; ŞAHİN, ASAF BEHZAT (2014-04-01)
Scientists in terahertz (THz) wave technologies have benefited from the recent developments in ultrafast laser technologies and RF technologies and applied these new gained techniques into characterizing a wide variety of phenomena. Undoubtedly, the most successful of these applications has been in the development of time-domain terahertz spectroscopic and imaging systems which has been utilized in the characterization of dielectrics and semiconductors. This pulsed technique has allowed users to characteriz...
Development of a miniaturized automated production control system
Korkmaz, Özgür; Kılıç, S. Engin; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2012)
In this thesis a custom embedded system and control software developed for an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) which is based on the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory (CIMLAB) located in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University. Primary objective of this study is AS/RSs related control rules can be applicable to the current physical system. The secondary objective is determined as developing the control system in a flexible way that allows adding ne...
Development of a scintillation gamma-ray spectrometer
Akış, M. Cengiz; Özsan, F.Esen; Department of Nuclear Engineering (1989)
Development of a uniaxial shaking table and a data acquisition system
Korucu, Aytaç; Polat, Uğur; Sucuoğlu, Haluk; Department of Civil Engineering (1999)
Development of computer controlled deuterium lamp background correction atomic absorption spectrometer
Toydemir, Şerife; Gökmen, Ali; Department of Chemistry (1988)
Citation Formats
H. A. Öktem, “Development of a portable bioagent detection and early warning system,” NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, pp. 0–0, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: