Science shop for innovative mobility solutions for mobility challenged Europeans (INMOSION)

The overall aim of this project is to accommodate through a University based Science Shop (called InMoSion) to develop all necessary expertise and know-how for assisting communities with the deployment of an innovative transportation system to meet the mobility needs of elder and mobility challenged Europeans. The system will be a flexible, technologically advanced demand based paratransit system. The InMoSion project will be lead by the University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece and will support at first a Greek Capodistrian Municipality, the Municipality of Philippi, to deploy a paratransit system in order to enhance the mobility in the area. After that, the InMoSion project will help communities across Europe and elsewhere that want to investigate the potential deployment of such a demand based paratransit system. The Science Shop will develop all necessary know how through this initiative and will create a core group of students and researchers that can support free of charge communities through the whole process: from conception, feasibility analysis, needs analysis, requirements analysis, system design, yield management, deployment, evaluation and maintenance. It is a well known fact that Europeans are rapidly aging, mainly due to the low birth-rate and the increase in people's lifespan; new technologically advanced and flexible transportation solutions must be developed in order to address their constantly growing mobility challenges. Older people are usually unable to drive but prefer to live in low-density suburban locations. The transportation systems in these areas are often quite inadequate, which creates serious mobility problems, especially for elderly and disabled people. Note here that while the elderly and disabled are the target customers for the proposed Science Shop, such a service may be expanded to any potential traveller in the future given that the system will be broadly available to meet their needs.


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Citation Formats
H. Tüydeş Yaman, “Science shop for innovative mobility solutions for mobility challenged Europeans (INMOSION),” 2009. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: