Department of Computer Engineering, Course Material

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Entity Type
Open Course (11)

Has File(s)
No (11)

Can, Tolga (6)
Şehitoğlu, Onur Tolga (3)
İşler, Veysi (1)
Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan (1)
Üçoluk, Göktürk (1)


Date Issued
2009 - 2009 (7)
2010 - 2011 (4)

Item Type

Recent Submissions

Computational Geometry
Can, Tolga(2011)
C Homework Collection
Üçoluk, Göktürk(2011)
This course contains homework collection for C programming language.
Programming Language Concepts
Şehitoğlu, Onur Tolga(2010)
To teach theoretical background and common concepts in programming languages. Making students familiar with different paradigms including functional, object-oriented and logic programming paradigms. To establish an underst...
Data Structures
Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan(2010)
Classification of data structures, space and time considerations. Linked lists,stacks and queues, tree structures, graphs. Array and pointer based implementations. Recursive applications.
Human Computer Interaction
Can, Tolga(2009)
This course gives an overview of next-generation user interfaces and underlying methodologies. Main topics include a review of HCI concepts and history, input devices and interaction techniques, information appliances, use...
Computer Graphics
Can, Tolga(2009)
Hardware and software components of graphics systems. Output and filled data primitives. 2D and 3D geometric transformations. Two dimensional viewing: viewing pipeline, clipping, and windowing. Three dimensional viewing: v...
Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics
Can, Tolga(2009)
This course covers recent developments and open research problems in the area of bioinformatics. Main topics include: Comparative genome analysis, Protein folding problem, prediction of secondary/tertiary structure, Multip...
Computer Graphics
Şehitoğlu, Onur Tolga(2009)
Hardware and software components of graphics systems. Output and filled-data primitives. 2D and 3D geometric transformations. Two dimensional viewing: Viewing pipeline, clipping, and windowing. Three dimensional viewing: V...
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Can, Tolga(2009)
This course covers computational techniques for mining the large amount of information produced by recent advances in biology, such as genome sequencing and microarrray technologies. Main topics of the course include: DNA ...
Computer Animation
Can, Tolga(2009)
Main techniques covered in this course include: Keyframing, story-boarding, Kinematics, physically based dynamics modeling, Motion capture, Scene composition, lighting, and sound track generation Advanced topics such as dy...
Programlama Dili Kavramları
Şehitoğlu, Onur Tolga(2009)
Bu dersin amacı, bir programlama diline ait kavramları öğrencilere öğretmektir.
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