Institutional attitudes towards research-related academic integrity in recently internationalizing higher education institutions: A comparative analysis of Chinese and Turkish HEIs

Higher education systems throughout the world are mostly based on the institutions and values of the Western education system. World university ranking systems, quality assurance mechanisms, assessment frameworks, promotion, and evaluation systems are universalized. Many universities in developing countries have now joined these ranking systems and introduced vigorous faculty promotion criteria to create world-class universities. Research reveals that those who publish in predatory journals are mostly young and inexperienced researchers from developing countries. China and Turkey are among the countries frequently associated with predatory journals and related academic corruption schemes. In this chapter, both regulations and discourses that shape the institutional cultures in these two countries that are in close cooperation with the EU regarding higher education are examined. It is concluded that there is a global diffusion of rules and values, and national identity construction processes influence actual practices.


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Citation Formats
S. Emil, Institutional attitudes towards research-related academic integrity in recently internationalizing higher education institutions: A comparative analysis of Chinese and Turkish HEIs. 2019, p. 302.