Experiencing work at different organisational level

Bilgiç, Reyhan
Ünalan, Gaye
Savly, Hande


Sociological analysis of new trends in vocational education and training (vet) in Turkey
Özaltan, Aslı; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Sociology (2010)
The aim of this study is to put forth the relationship between the transformation of the labor market and the production process and the vocational education and training in Turkey. The Study will reflect the effects of transformation on the individual and society. The research is conducted through interviews with social partners. The study touches upon the reflection of the understanding of new vocationalism adopted in line with the flexibilisation in the organization of work on the vocational and technica...
Quality management in the Turkish public sector: A survey
Ustuner, Y; Coskun, S (Wiley, 2004-05-01)
This article assesses the challenges of introducing Quality Management (QM) in the Turkish public sector in two pioneering central institutions. A survey was conducted with the aim of exploring in particular the views of the workforce on the feasibility and prospects of QM. Findings revealed that despite the differences in both the practice and the perceptions, the workforce had a positive attitude and shared an awareness of the need for a comprehensive reform that included wide utilisation of QM. The resul...
Civil society at the boundaries of public and private spheres: the internal dynamics of three cases in Turkey
Cengiz, Kurtuluş; Akşit, Bahattin; Department of Sociology (2005)
This study tries to understand the internal dynamics of the civil society organizations in Turkey on the experiences of three CSOs: the Ankara Branches of KADER, MAZLUMDER and IMO by focusing on the intraاorganizational practices (the decision making processes, elections, general meetings, division of labor, basic conflicts and divergences, the disagreements, the way of deliberation and consensus). It tries to shed light on the transformative potential of the CSO̕s in public sphere as civil organizations th...
Gender-based challenges and coping strategies in academia in Turkey
Yılmaz, Ece; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2019)
This study aims to reveal gender-based individual, social, institutional and structural challenges academics face in their careers in Turkey. The theoretical framework was shaped by feminist standpoint theory which allowed a critical perspective to the traditional conceptualization of ideal worker. The data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews from 10 male and 10 female academics working in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. The findings revealed four main themes. Firstly, some differences...
Cultural production and urban locality in the fields of jazz and fashion design
İlkuçan, Altan; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2013)
This study aims to analyze the relationship between cultural producers in Istanbul and the wider processes of neoliberal urban restructuring that takes in their surroundings. The study uses a Bourdieusian framework to uncover such relationships between cultural producers and external influences on their respective fields. By focusing on the case of two fields (jazz and fashion design) as located in Kuledibi, Galata, the study aims to establish a localized perspective to the relationship between the cultural...
Citation Formats
R. Bilgiç, G. Ünalan, and H. Savly, “Experiencing work at different organisational level,” Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives, pp. 1–12, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/87191.