Eda Tuna Öztürk

Test and Measurement Center In advanced Technologies (MERKEZ LABORATUVARI)
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The Effects of “Transition to Professional Life’’ Course on Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
Ünder, Ümran ; Çavuş, Mustafa ; Akyıldız Munusturlar, Müge ; Akdoğan, Emre ; Görkem, Sultan Funda ; Tuna Öztürk, Eda; Balkan, Sevgin Aysu ; Banar, Müfide (2023-06-01)
Üniversite son sınıf öğrencilerinin kariyer gelişimleri için gerekli yetkinliklerin kazandırılması ve var olan yetkinliklerinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla tasarlanan ESTÜ401 Profesyonel Hayata Geçiş (1+1; 2 ECTS) dersinin, öğ...
Çevre Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yönetiminde Risk Yönetim Süreçleri
Tuna Öztürk, Eda (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2020-01-01)
Nitrate removal from domestic wastewater by algae culture
Tuna Öztürk, Eda; GÖNCÜ, SERDAR (2017-10-18)
Removal of nitrate from groundwater by using algae culture
Tuna Öztürk, Eda (2017-01-01)
Although groundwater is more reliable and clean water resource when it is used as a drinking water, it is difficult to treat once it is polluted. One of the most important pollution paremeters in groundwater is nitrate whi...
Phosphate Removal from Synthetic Groundwater byMixed Algae Culture
Tuna Öztürk, Eda; GÖNCÜ, SERDAR (2016-06-10)
Yeraltı Suyunda Alg Kültürleri ile Nitrat Kirliliğinin Giderimi
Tuna Öztürk, Eda (2016-05-27)
Comparison of different nitrate removal methods in groundwater
Tuna Öztürk, Eda; YİĞİT AVDAN, ZEHRA (2013-12-21)
Hydrogen gas production by electrohydrolysis of volatile fatty acid (VFA) containing dark fermentation effluent
Tuna Öztürk, Eda; Argun, Hidayet (2009-01-01)
Dark fermentation effluents of wheat powder (WP) solution containing different concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were subjected to low voltage (1-3 V) DC current to produce hydrogen gas. Graphite and copper ele...
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