Issue 2

Issue Number
Volume Number
Eğitimin Estetik Süreç Olarak Yorumu Ve Mimarlık Eğitimi
Erzen, Jale Nejdet (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
Studies in perception, anthropology, and the arts of the primitive people, have destroyed the old surrogate theories about art and aesthetics, and have helped to break the boundaries between daily life, education and art i...
Anadolu'da Eşodaklı Selçuklu Hanları
Tükel Yavuz, Ayşıl (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
The institution of caravanserai has its most variations in Seljuk Anatolia, as the work of late Kurt Erdmann, "Das Anatolische Karavansaray des 13. Jahrhunderts" very well illustrates. Erdmann has also classified the Hans ...
The Relation Between Room Organization And Spaciousness
İmamoğlu, Vacit (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
Bu çalışmada bir toplantı odasındaki eşyaların düzenlilik-düzensizlik derecesi ile odanın ferahlığı arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla seçilen toplantı odası düzenli, düzensiz ve çok düzensiz deney ...
İnce Basık Kabukların Çözümüne Bir Yaklaşım: ODTÜ Ambar Önerileri
Bilgütay, Atilla (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
METU Faculty of Architecture has attempted a new program in courses Arch. 431 and 432 in 1976. The courses have been accellerated, and the students have been directed towards daily and practical problems. One of the studie...
An Algorithm For Plotting Computerized Hidden-Line Perspectives
Canbulat, İbrahim; Pultar, Mustafa (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
Within the general classes of communication media, there are those specific ones that will match well defined communication need. The architect must be assured that the alternate costs and flow times are favorable in terms...
Endüstri Tasarımında Tasarım Ölçütlerine Bütünsel Bir Yaklaşım
Asatekin, Mehmet (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
Industrially produced objects are defining almost 90 percent of our close environment. As a result, they are constantly being evaluated by the people whose environment they define. In these evaluations the relevant criteri...
Toplumsal Yapı Ve Eğitim
Ersoy, Melih (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
Kapitalist üretim biçimi, yapısı gereği eşit olmayan gelişme yasalarına uyar. Bu toplum biçiminin bir dengeler bütünü olduğunu savlayan görüş, kuramla nesnel gerçeklik arasındaki uyuşmazlığın nedenini piyasa mekanizmasının...
A Synthetic Approach To Regional Development Theories Part II
Tekeli, İlhan (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
In this section an attempt will be made to demonstrate how existing regional development theories, when grouped into six tynes, form easily expandable and flexible frameworks. In examining each of these types, first a narr...
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