Index / Dizin

Balaban, Osman


İndentör Deneyleri ile Yumuşak Biyolojik Dokuların Anizotropik Mekanik Davranışının Yerinde Belirlenmesi
Tönük, Ergin (2008-09-01)
Adaptation of English coursebook activities based on sociocultural theory: an action research
Kırmızı Ayyıldız, Ayşe; Çakır, Nur; Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2021-2-8)
The use of materials in English lessons is important for facilitating learning. However, centralized materials may not be suitable for every student’ profile, needs and backgrounds. Teachers working in rural areas can experience difficulties if central materials do not meet student needs and expectations. In this case, it might be necessary to adapt the course materials in accordance with students’ needs. This action research study aims to figure out rural students’ perceptions about the cultural cont...
Facts, evidence, reality: debates in the philosophy and methodology of history
Demir, Mevlüt Can; Çakır, Nur; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-2-08)
Historians relations with the past, which is their object of production of knowledge, have always been a problematic issue. The underlying point of this problem is the empiricist claims of historians to establish a direct, unmediated connection with the past. Heavy criticism about this approach emerged with the French, structuralist philosopher Louis Althusser. Althusser argued that historians cannot have direct and unmediated contact with the past. After this criticism, another severe critique of historian...
İngilizce hazırlık okullarındaki okutmanların toplumsallaşmaları
Kondakçı, Yaşar (2014-01-01)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, deneyim, hizmet öncesi ve hizmet içi eğitim, mentörlük, tazminat ve ek ödemeler ve sosyal hizmetlerden duyulan memnuniyetin örgüte yönelik toplumsallaşma ile göreve yönelik toplumsallaşmayı ne düzeyde yordadığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak çalışma ilişkisel bir çalışma olarak desenlenmiş ve uyarlanan bir ölçek Ankara’da bulunan dört devlet üniversitesinin İngilizce hazırlık okullarında çalışan toplam 228 öğretim elemanına uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerle yapılan doğru...
Predictors of English proficiency test performance: a case study
Yılmaz, Şermin; Berberoğlu,Giray; Department of Educational Sciences (2002)
The purpose of this study is to investigate a set of independent variables consisting of students' academic and social background, their performances in progress tests given throughout the 2000-2001 academic year, their learning styles, and their attitudes toward English in order to predict the performance of Başkent University Preparatory School students in the Proficiency Test, and in its grammar, reading and vocabulary sections.
Citation Formats
O. Balaban, “Index / Dizin ,” METU Journal of The Faculty Of Architecture, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 223–265, 1980, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: