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Developing a design guidance for improving the welfare of domestic dogs
Yakupoğlu, Mehmet Sinan
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Dogs, living in our houses as family members or furry roommates, might experience difficulties getting used to living in a house and this issues make lasting impacts affecting their welfare at home. Design for interaction solutions achieving user-centeredness can answer the needs of dogs, and technology surrounding us would be facilitated to improve their welfare. As a user group, dogs have different interaction characteristics compared to humans. Informing designers about these differences and including the perspectives of the dog users in the design process is a vital step in reaching for user-centeredness and would help to improve the welfare of dogs for their own benefit. In this study, the main aim is to inform the designers through a list of guidance specific to the dogs living in domestic settings. To form the guidance, various technology cases in Animal Computer Interaction literature are reviewed, and interviews are conducted with dog experts and dog families about their adoption process and the problems encountered. The guidance, addressing directly the designers, starts with the definition of welfare to show the designer the end goal of improving the welfare of the adopted dogs. Following that design challenges are introduced in the form of welfare issues and aids. To put dogs at the center of the design, guidance continues by offering design features that include the interaction modalities of dogs and design requirements specific to these modalities. In the last part of the guidance, type of participation for dog users to include them in the evaluation process of the developed design solution and methods to be used to understand the behavior of dog users during this participation are explained. The guidance, overall, helps designers to define the needs and characteristics of their dog users before starting their designs and informs them about the techniques to satisfy the communication during the evaluation phase of the developed design solution.
Subject Keywords
Design for interaction
Dog users
Animal computer interaction
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
M. S. Yakupoğlu, “Developing a design guidance for improving the welfare of domestic dogs,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.