Liberal Etik



Liberal Çokkültürcülük: (Çok)Ulusalcı Liberalizm ve Azınlık-içindeki-Azınlıklar Sorunsalı
Karademir, Aret (2017-01-01)
20. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde, çıkış noktasını mensubu olduğu kültüre, ulusa veya devlete karşı korunması için bireysel haklarla donatılmış ve içerisinde yetiştiği kültürü rasyonel yetileri ile değerlendirip terk edebilme gücüne sahip “birey” anlayışında bulan “bireyci” liberalizmin içerisinden, bireylerin “kültürel” varlıklar olduklarını, bireysel özgürlüğün “kültürlerin korunması” olmaksızın icra edilemeyeceğini, bunun için de “kültürel azınlık hakları”nın liberalizmin olmazsa olmazı olduğunu savunan “liber...
The possibility and limit of liberal middle power policies: the case of Turkish foreign policy toward the Middle East during the AKP period
Imai, Kohei; Altunışık, Meliha; Department of International Relations (2011)
The main aim of this dissertation is to understand the change of Turkish state identity related to foreign policy behaviors after the collapse of the Cold War structure. The research question of this dissertation is why and how Turkey has constructed middle power identity, which is based on liberal foreign policies. This dissertation examines two main purposes. First purpose is to analyze AKP’s liberalism based middle power policies from 2005 to 2010 toward the Middle East. In this dissertation, the liberal...
Liberal Kişilik Nedir Solla Ne Derdi Vardır
Erdoğan, Necmi (2009-01-01)
Liberal Demokraside Gerilimler: İspanya’da Toplumsal ve Siyasi Taleplerin Dönüşümü
Bedir, Nurdan Selay (2018-10-15)
Surplus-receivers (Zevaid-Horan) from imperial waqfs: between philanthropy and political economy
Aslanmirza, Özge; Orbay, Kayhan; Department of History (2017)
This study examines the place of surplus-receivers in the waqf institutions through their contribution to the philanthropy and the political economy of the 16th-17th century Ottoman Empire. The study specifically focuses on surplus-receivers to reveal who they are, what their place and importance in the waqf, how and on which base they were assigned to these duties and how they can be interpreted in the context of the philanthropy by the examination of mainly the registers of zevāid-horān and waqf account b...
Citation Formats
C. Deveci, Liberal Etik. 2021.