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Implementing shared decision-making for returning to play sports after an injury using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in a web application
NilayYılmaz_tez_v6 (1).pdf
Yılmaz, Nilay
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Return to sport after an injury is a complex decision-making process taken by multiple decision-makers by considering multiple criteria. Biological and functional recoveries are the main factor of the decision. However, since this decision will affect athletes’ career paths, psychological readiness of athletes is required to be a crucial part of the decision. This thesis investigates how to implement a shared decision-making model with a developed Return to Sport Decision Aid Tool by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which reveals sociological and psychological effects of return to sport process on athletes. To understand athletes’ perspectives and determine their preferences, two different scenarios were created. A total of 20 athletes from different disciplines and sports level participated in the study. The results show that facing the same scenario, athletes’ preferences and priority degrees are different from each other and in different circumstances (Scenario1 and Scenario2), athletes can prioritize different criteria. Final decision can change according to athletes’ preferences. While in Scenario1, 25% of athletes decide to play despite an injury by opposing healthcare professional’s recommendation, in Scenario2, 10% of athletes do not feel ready to return to sport although healthcare professional approves his/her biomedical and functional healing. 75% of athletes indicate that the application prepares them to make a better decision and offer a reliable method for decision-making. According to results of the study, sociological and psychological factors are undeniable effects on return to sports decision and shared decision-making can be applied as a consensus model.
Subject Keywords
Shared decision making
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Return to sports
Decision aid application
Graduate School of Informatics, Thesis
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Citation Formats
N. Yılmaz, “Implementing shared decision-making for returning to play sports after an injury using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in a web application,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.