Hip-Hop in the Neoliberal Era: Turkish Rap Music Community in Turkey

Demirel, Sinem
Hip-hop, which spread from the American ghettos to the whole world and entered our daily lives, aroused an echo in Turkey with its popularity in Germany. The main emphasis of this study is on hip-hop's subjects, the hip-hop community. Hip-hop enables its community, young people, to express themselves in various ways, participate in political and social life, show antiorder attitudes, and form an alternative identity for their own. In this context, the relations of hip-hop with the youth, the city, and the instruments of resistance will be examined theoretically. Then the field research data from the young people in Ankara, İzmir, and İstanbul will be shared. The primary aim of the thesis is to comprehend the hip-hop community deeply and compare such examples of America, Germany, and Turkey between themselves. In light of the testimonies from the fieldwork, examining the ruptures and continuities in the journey of hip-hop in Turkey formed the focus of the thesis.


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Citation Formats
S. Demirel, “Hip-Hop in the Neoliberal Era: Turkish Rap Music Community in Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.