Human resources management initiatives in Turkish public sector : an exploratory study

Pembegül, Zeynep
In this study, the reflections of Human Resources Management, which is applied in the private sector, to Public Personnel Management and the initiatives of Human Resources Management main tools in terms of flexible forms of employment, norm cadre, performance evaluation and quality at work in public sector, have been analyzed in the case of Turkey. The main goal of this study is to find out if those HRM tools are beneficial to create a more efficient and productive public sector and the effects of those changes for the public personnel. Therefore the general structure of Turkish Public Personnel Regime and the new practices in the transition process are discussed. Also interviews with State Personnel Presidency and some other public institutions’ personnel have been realized. In conclusion, although it is seen that those changes will maintain some opportunities to create a more efficient and productive public sector, some constraints for the public personnel will also occur. Then it is also important to take into account that both private sector and public sector have different unique structures while applying those new tools of HRM in the public sector. In this framework, as stating both the opportunities and constraints for the public personnel rising with this new process, some solutions have been offered in order to contribute for the development of Turkish Public Personnel Regime.


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Citation Formats
Z. Pembegül, “Human resources management initiatives in Turkish public sector : an exploratory study,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.