Constructing an ıslamic society through novels - creation of collective ıdentity and ıssue of participation in ıslamic literature- .

Sandallı, Boğaç
The efforts of political Islam to adopt itself in the public sphere can be read with a variety of perspectives, each of which clarifies the different dimensions of the subject. The common point of those viewpoints is the phenomenon of conflict. This study aims to examine the efforts of political Islam to build Muslim identity and the issue of participation through Islamic novels. Understanding the position of the Kemalist ideology in the Islamic novels has vital importance in order to comprehend the political struggle of Islam in Turkey. Moving from the premise that novelists are the people who watch the life and then retell it to the others, Islamic novels may come forward as valuable sources which reflect political Islam’s cultural codes. Considering the ultimate goals of political Islam, the real benefit expected from the novels is the formation of a Muslim community that is enchained to a common ideological idea. In the novels, a wall of thought is required to separate the Kemalist regime from the masses in pursuit of an Islamic order. The institutions of the Republic to have be marginalized to restore the society in accordance with the order of Islamic life. Beginning from 1990s, the emergence of a new and different kind of conservative mass is observed. The process, which can be read as an answer of Muslim subjectivity to the phenomenon of modernity, highlights a new structure. The liberated and differentiated Muslims no longer satisfy with the traditional collective solutions but seek individual guidance for their exclusive experiences.


The Factors for the rise of political Islam: Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Pehlivan, Arife; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of Middle East Studies (2013)
This thesis analyzes the factors that caused the rise of political Islam by looking at the emergence and evolution of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This thesis takes the view that rather than the nature of Islam, political Islam indeed, is a modern phenomenon that emerged as a reaction to the historical and contextual political and socio-economic factors that have been affecting the Muslim world. Islamists are opposing to the deficiencies of contemporary world order by using different tools and tactics from ...
The question of the West in the ideology of revivalism : perspectives from Mawlana Abu’l- a‘la Mawdudi, Sayyid Qutb and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Aras, Esra; Dağı, İhsan Duran; Department of Industrial Engineering (2008)
This thesis surveys the response of the ideology of 20th century Islamic revival to the West and the Western-inspired regimes at home. Based on J.S. Mill’s “method of difference, it compares the ideological perspectives of the prominent figures of Islamic revival: Mawlana Abu’l-A‘la Mawdudi in Indio-Pakistan, Sayyid Qutb in Egypt and Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran. In this context, it analyzes the appraisal of Islam as a total way of life in order to refute the Western tradition and refuse its interference into ...
Secession and fragmentation in tevhidi islamic communities: believing subject vs. believing community
Çapık, Kenan; Yıldırım, Erdoğan; Department of Sociology (2014)
This thesis aims to descriptively analyze islamist communities/NGO’s in Ankara with respect to how they construct their religious identity and we-and-others dichotomy and to understand the theoretical and practical reasons of secession and fragmentation among islamist groups and NGO’s which have been widespread since the blossoming of Islamism in Turkey. On the background I will be questioning whether Islamism intrinsically carries an exclusionist and dichotomist discourse. The study also aims to shed light...
The islamic state’s ideology: constitution of doctrine and territoriality through the discourses in dabiq and rumiyah
Mustapha, Ahmed Badaw; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of International Relations (2019)
This thesis explores the constitution of the Islamic State’s (IS’s) ideology and territoriality, using Critical Constructivism as its theoretical and methodological reference. Towards this, the discourses of the IS, especially those in the Dabiq and Rumiyah magazines, were analysed using Roxanne Lynn Doty’s “Discursive Practices Approach” together with its categorising mechanisms of “presupposition”, “predication” and “subject positioning.” The discourse analyses show that the overall IS Ideology is bifurca...
Dilan , Ayverdi; Recep , Boztemur; Department of Middle East Studies (2021-10-12)
This thesis aims to analyze the failure of political Islam in not responding to the social demands of the Iranian people with the established system after the revolution. The Islamic regime claimed to create a democratic constitution with the Islamic rule (Sharia) and an equal economic system that prioritizes the oppressed people (mustazafin) and responds to society's real expectations, which the Pahlavi monarchy had not responded. However, eliminating revolutionary forces like the socialists, nationalists,...
Citation Formats
B. Sandallı, “Constructing an ıslamic society through novels - creation of collective ıdentity and ıssue of participation in ıslamic literature- .,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. Political Science and Public Administration., Middle East Technical University, 2020.