Department of Foreign Language Education

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Entity Type
Publication (957)
Thesis (638)
Project (51)
Open Course (4)

Has File(s)
No (936)
Yes (708)

Hatipoğlu, Çiler (97)
Birlik, Nurten (89)
Daloğlu, Ayşegül (73)
Gürbüz, Nurdan (70)
Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M. (50)

English language (97)
English. (46)
English literature. (45)
Linguistics and Language (35)
English teachers (34)

Date Issued
1982 - 1989 (59)
1990 - 1999 (111)
2000 - 2009 (349)
2010 - 2019 (757)
2020 - 2025 (367)

Item Type
Master Thesis (501)
Journal Article (413)
Conference Paper (245)
Ph.D. Thesis (136)
Book Chapter (135)

Recent Submissions

Teachers’ gestures in synchronous online language classrooms: embodied elicitation strategies for student participation
Şimşek, Asuman; KURU GÖNEN, SAFİYE İPEK (2025-01-01)
Classroom interaction research has increasingly embraced the analysis of multimodal resources, including teacher gestures, alongside verbal input in eliciting student contributions. This focus has extended to online video-...
Rap Devil versus Rap God: impoliteness in a rap battle
Oğuz, Enis; Işık Güler, Hale (2024-12-01)
Using a line-by-line analysis of the key conversational instances identified in an asynchronous rap battle between Eminem (in Killshot) and Machine Gun Kelly (in Rap Devil), this study investigates diss tracks as manif...
Psycholinguistic investigations on the non-local referential properties of kendisi and o
Kırkıcı, Bilal; Gracanın Yüksek, Martına; Demir, Orhan (2024-12-01)
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work; Daily Rituals: Women at Work
Doğan, Buket (2024-12-01)
The passage above is excerpted from a letter Franz Kafka wrote to his beloved Felice Bauer in 1912. In the letter, Kafka conveys his dissatisfaction with his cramped living conditions and monotonous job, reflecting his bel...
Developing an EMI classroom interactions corpus: Feedback from and feedforward to EAP
Işık Güler, Hale; Topal, Pınar; Şimşek, Asuman; Köse, Berkcan (2024-11-01)
From Striving to Struggling: Perfectionism, Reflection, and Burnout in the Turkish EFL Teaching Context
Kırmızı, Gözde; Course, Simla (2024-10-10)
This present study investigated the relationships between perfectionism, reflection, and burnout among Turkish EFL teachers working as instructors in higher education, concurrently exploring their perceptions regarding th...
Affirming Power of Bodily Rhetoric in the Face of Precarity in Zadie Smith’s Swing Time
Birlik, Nurten; Çetinkaya, Ataberk (2024-10-03)
Epistemic positioning and knowledge-building in postgraduate neuroscience classroom interaction
Bozbıyık, Merve; Morton, Tom (2024-10-01)
This article explores the dynamics of epistemic positioning and knowledge-building in classroom interaction in two postgraduate neuroscience classrooms. Using an interdisciplinary approach combining multimodal Conversation...
Classroom-Based Conversation Analysis Training for Project Members
Bozbıyık, Merve; Ege Kadıoğlu, Fatma; Topal, Pınar; Şimşek, Asuman; Çimenli, Betül (2024-09-30)
Within the scope of the project, doctoral researchers utilizing Conversation Analysis (CA) method in their previous studies carried out a 13-week training on important factors in the data collection process, the detailed t...
Narrative Time and Moral Injury in Daniel Defoe’s The Fortunate Mistress
Serhatti, Fahime; Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M. (2024-08-01)
This paper explores the deliberate use of temporal ambiguities and discrepancies in Defoe’sThe Fortunate Mistressto convey the disturbed retrospections of a guilt/shame-ridden narrator and the relationship between moral in...
Commentary: Reimagining Online TESOL Teacher Education: Creating Dialogic and Critical Online Spaces.
Tezgiden Cakcak, Sebahat Yasemin (Bloomsbury Press, 2024-07-01)
My view of critical and dialogic education is inclusive, respectful, and reciprocal similar to Kibler et al.’s vision of CDE. Like Kibler et al. (2021), I aim to challenge inequitable and discriminatory ideological and ins...
Pedagogizing Critical Materials Analysis and Development.
Tezgiden Cakcak, Sebahat Yasemin (Bloomsbury Press, 2024-07-01)
Language education has been marked by centralized curricula, pre-packaged, teacher-proof, commercial materials, and standardized tests in the neoliberal era (Gray, 2013; McGrath, 2013). This system deskills teachers and...
The Politics of Nobel Consecration and Literary Translation
Yıldız Bağçe, Hülya (2024-05-21)
EFL Instructors’ Metaphorical Representations of Their PhD Journey and Development as Academic Researcher Teachers (ART)
Tanrıverdi Köksal, Fatma; Işık Güler, Hale (2024-05-10)
From Concept to Classroom: Designing a Corpus-based Language Teaching Training
Köse, Berkcan; Kuru Gönen, Safiye İpek (2024-05-10)
Buchi Emecheta'nın Second Class Citizen Başlıklı Romanında Diskur Dışı Söylemlerde Kişilerarasılık...................................................................................................................
Birlik, Nurten (2024-05-01)
Eugene O’Neill’ın Uzun Bir Günden Geceye Yolculuk Oyununda Bilinçaltının Derinlikleri
Doğan, Buket (2024-04-26)
Eugene O’Neill’in Uzun Bir Günden Geceye Yolculuk isimli oyununda, Tyrone ailesinin dört üyesi kariyerleri ve aile hayatları ile ilgili bazı tercihler yaparlar. Tyrone’ların uygulamaya koydukları bu tercihleri hayatlarının...
On the Threshold Between Hell and Earth: The Split Subject in H.D.’s “Eurydice”
Çetinkaya, Ataberk (2024-04-25)
Family as a Precarious Community in Rachel Cusk’s In the Fold
Doğan, Buket (Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd, 2024-04-01)
In the post-millennial period globalization reopens the question of connectivity and the possibility of togetherness in a transnational context between the West and the rest of the world. In company with globalization, cos...
Program Değerlendirme Çalışması: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Programı Örneği
OKUMUŞ, Ayşegül; Daloğlu, Ayşegül (2024-03-15)
Bu durum çalışması, Türkiye'de Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu tarafından 2018 yılında başlatılan İngilizce öğretmenliği programının mezun öğrencilerin bakış açısıyla değerlendiren ilk çalışmalardan biri olması sebebiyle ilgili alan...
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