Department of Psychology

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Publication (1487)
Thesis (401)
Project (57)
Open Course (3)
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Yes (778)

Özkan, Türker (143)
Gençöz, Tülin (117)
Kazak Berument, Sibel (117)
Şahin Acar, Başak (92)
Sakallı, Nuray (83)

Psychology M.S. thesis (202)
Psychology Phd thesis (82)
General Psychology (79)
Social Psychology (49)
Psychology. (48)

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1971 - 1979 (1)
1980 - 1999 (106)
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2020 - 2024 (494)

Item Type
Journal Article (906)
Conference Paper (302)
Master Thesis (275)
Ph.D. Thesis (126)
Book Chapter (74)

Recent Submissions

Are early maladaptive schemas related to current driver behaviors? A study on previous toxic experiences and driving
Fındık, Gizem; Erel, Sema; Öz, Bahar (2024-09-01)
Introduction: Realizing the importance of driver behaviors in the context of road traffic safety, researchers investigated the factors that relate to driver behaviors. One of the most examined factors predicting driver beh...
Predictors of Subjective Health Among Spouses and Its Relations With Happiness: A Multilevel Analysis in a Nationwide Survey in Turkey
Tosyalı, Ahmet Furkan; Coban-Tosyali, Ezgi; Harma, Mehmet (2024-8-01)
The current study aims to examine predictors of subjective health, including its relation with happiness, at the individual and family levels. For this purpose, we analyzed data collected from spouses representing each fam...
Receptive and expressive vocabulary performance in 2- to 5-year-olds in care: The role of different care types and temperament
Yavaslar Dogru, Yesim; Koc-Arik, Gizem; Doğru, Onur Cem; Kazak Berument, Sibel (2024-07-01)
The detrimental role of institutionalization in children's development has prompted the introduction of alternative care types designed to offer more personalized care. The current study aimed to test whether children in a...
Hofbauer cells and fetal brain microglia share transcriptional profiles and responses to maternal diet-induced obesity
Batorsky, Rebecca; Ceasrine, Alexis M.; Shook, Lydia L.; Kışlal, Sezen; Bordt, Evan A.; Devlin, Benjamin A.; Perlis, Roy H.; Slonim, Donna K.; Bilbo, Staci D.; Edlow, Andrea G. (2024-06-25)
Maternal immune activation is associated with adverse offspring neurodevelopmental outcomes, many mediated by in utero microglial programming. As microglia remain inaccessible throughout development, identification of noni...
Propranolol attenuates the establishment of conditioned context aversions: differential effects compared to MK-801 in an animal model of anticipatory nausea and vomiting.
İlhan, Çinar Furkan; Ülke, Esra; Urcelay, Gonzalo P; Kışlal, Sezen (2024-06-07)
Beyond symptom classification: Analyzing subjectivity of people diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder through Lacanian Discourse Analysis perspective
Baltacı, Sinem; Sarı, Sevda; Gençöz, Tülin (2024-06-01)
Intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors are manifested in numerous forms, however regarding the symptom-based system, people with such diverse forms of symptoms are diagnosed under the same category, named obsessive-co...
Iconicity and Gesture Jointly Facilitate Learning of Second Language Signs at First Exposure in Hearing Nonsigners
Karadöller Astarlıoğlu, Dilay Zeynep; Peeters, David; Manhardt, Francie; Oezyuerek, Asli; Ortega, Gerardo (2024-04-10)
When learning spoken second language (L2), words overlapping in form and meaning with one's native language (L1) help break into the new language. When nonsigning speakers learn a sign language as L2, such overlaps are abs...
MAD-DAX: Anger and driver behaviours on the road
Öztürk, İbrahim; Bıçaksız, Pınar; Üzümcüoğlu, Yeşim; Özkan, Türker (2024-04-01)
Anger is a common emotion in everyday life, and in the context of driving, the experience of greater anger has been positively associated with aggressive behaviour, near-misses and crashes. Although the effect of anger on ...
A dyadic perspective on the role of need satisfaction in the relationship between perceived partner responsiveness and sleep quality
Çoban-Tosyalı, Ezgi; Bozo Özen, Özlem (2024-04-01)
The main purpose of this study is to examine how perceived partner responsiveness (PPR), need satisfaction and sleep qualityare related in romantic relationships. Data were collected from a sample of 119 heterosexual roman...
Tutunamayanlar Romanı Üzerine Lacanyen Psikanaliz Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme
Türk Kıvanç, Deniz; Karaş, Hakan (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
Oğuz Atay’ın Tutunamayanlar romanı çok katmanlı yapısı ve anlatımı ile postmodern bir yapıttır. Romanın temel sorunsalını, toplum içinde kendini var edemeyen, toplumsal söylemle ve toplumun dayattığı öğretiler ile uyum sağ...
The Issues with Psychoanalytic Supervision in Clinical Psychology: Evaluations, Criticisms, and Recommendations
Aktaş, Dilan; Kartal, Fatoş; Gençöz, Faruk (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
The present article aimed to provide a theoretical overview of supervisor training. Accordingly, first, the conceptualization of supervision was critically examined. Then, the current state of supervisor training as a gene...
Şizofreni Hastalarında Sanat Terapisi Programının Hastalık Belirti Düzeylerine Etkisi
Demir, Volkan; Hızlı Sayar, Gökben (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, sanatla terapi programının şizofreni tanısı almış bireylerde hastalık belirti düzeyleri üzerindeki etkililiğinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya katılan 29-65 yaş aralığındaki 10 şizofreni tanısı almış erkek...
Development of the Disordered Eating Scale for Adolescents Aged 14-18
Kermen, Umut; Ümmet, Durmuş (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
This study aimed to develop a scale for evaluating disordered eating attitudes and behaviors among adolescents aged 14 to 18. The scale’s factor structure was examined with a total of 1379 participants, revealing 14 items ...
The Mediator Role of Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship between Alexithymia and Emotional Expression Styles
Yılmaz, Yavuz; Uzun Çiçek, Ayla; Kanak, Mehmet; Bahadır, Erdi; Gültürk, Esra (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
Although there are studies on the effect of alexithymia on expressed emotion, emotion expression in people with alexithymia was not specifically examined. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between alexithymi...
Psikologların Depresif Belirtileri ile Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi: İş Doyumunun Aracı Rolü
Karagülmez, Kadriye; Çıvgın, Umut (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
Bu çalışmanın amacı psikologların depresif belirti, tükenmişlik ve iş doyum düzeylerinin incelenmesi ve psikologlardaki tükenmişliğin yordayıcılarının belirlenmesidir. Kamu kurumlarında veya özel kurumlarda görev alan topl...
Benlik Farklılıkları ve Psikolojik Sıkıntılar Arasındaki İlişkide Savunma Biçimlerinin Rolü
Ülbe, Selva; Gençöz, Tülin (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
Benlik farklılıkları teorisine göre, gerçek, ideal ve zaruri benlikleri arasındaki tutarsızlıklar, insanları psikolojik sıkıntılar yaşamaya karşı savunmasız hale getirmektedir. Psikanalitik bakış açısına göre ise, arzu edi...
Yaygın Anksiyete Bozukluğunda Çevrim İçi Yürütülen Bilişsel ve Davranışçı Terapi: Bir Olgu Sunumu
Zereyalp, Mekselina; Kurtoğlu, Mustafa Batuhan; Boz, Canahmet (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2024-1-31)
Bu çalışma yaygın anksiyete bozukluğunda bilişsel ve davranışçı terapi müdahalelerinin çevrim içi ortamda uygulandığı ve bu müdahalelerin etkinliğinin bir vaka özelinde değerlendirildiği bir olgu sunumu çalışmasıdır. Bu ça...
Psikotik Yapı, Baba İşlevi ve Lacanyen Kavramsallaştırma
Yaka, Ali İhsan (2024-1-31)
Bu çalışmada genel olarak psikozun teşhis ve tedavi yöntemiyle ilgili on dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarına doğru gelişen ve global düzeyde etkili olan biyomedikal yönelimli yaklaşım ile Freud’un baba kompleksi üzerinden açıklad...
A qualitative study on transportation experiences of public transport users in Türkiye during the COVID-19 pandemic
Yılmaz, Şerife; Fındık, Gizem; Öz, Bahar (2024-01-01)
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, people refrained from crowded places; public transport is one of them. The need for movement was restricted as part of governmental precautions. However, some people continue to go to workplac...
Preferred level of vehicle automation: How technology adoption, knowledge, and personality affect automation preference in Türkiye and Sweden
Öztürk, İbrahim; Wallén Warner, Henriette; Özkan, Türker (2024-01-01)
The acceptance of automated vehicles and advanced vehicle technologies by users is subject to different human factors variables. Personality, technology adoption, and prior previous knowledge about the systems have been si...
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