Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications (GÜNAM), Conference / Seminar

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Entity Type
Publication (14)

Has File(s)
No (11)
Yes (3)

Turan, Raşit (10)
Çiftpınar, Emine Hande (5)
Bektaş, Gence (3)
Ünal, Mustafa (3)
Asav, Hasan (2)

Haze (2)
AIT (1)
Albedo (1)
Aluminium induced glass texturing (1)
Aluminium induced texturing (AIT) (1)

Date Issued
2015 - 2019 (9)
2020 - 2022 (5)

Item Type
Conference Paper (13)

Recent Submissions

Effect of Implanted Phosphorus Profile on iVoc Variations During Firing Process of n-type Silicon
Bektaş, Gence; Çiftpınar, Emine Hande; Bütüner, Sümeyye Koçak; Keçeci, Ahmet Emin; Canar, Hasan Hüseyin; Kökbudak, Gamze; Asav, Hasan; Turan, Raşit (2022-08-24)
Electrical activation of implanted phosphorus can be carried out simultaneously with boron dopants at high temperatures or separately at lower temperatures. In this study, we investigate the effect of high and low-temperat...
Yüksek Verimli PERC Güneş Pilleri için Pikosaniye Atımlı Lazer ile Lazer Doping Yoluyla Seçici Emitör Oluşumu
Bektaş, Gence (2021-11-01)
In this study, we develop a POCl3 diffusion recipe so that we obtain a thicker phosphosilicate glass layer for laser doping. The formation of a laser doped selective emitter is achieved by utilizing an industrial-type pico...
A Study on Tetragonal-star Like Shaped Inverted Pyramid Texturing
Donercark, Ergi; Çiftpınar, Emine Hande; Terlemezoğlu, Makbule; Colakoglu, Tahir; Turan, Raşit (2021-01-01)
Surface texturing is one of the key process steps in solar cell fabrication. For an ideal surface texturing, surface recombination should be kept as low as possible while the light trapping property is improved. The format...
Enhanced Passivation Properties of a-Si:H and Reactive ITO Sputtering for SHJ Solar Cells
Donercark, Ergi; Guler, Secil; Çiftpınar, Emine Hande; Kabacelik, Ismail; Turan, Raşit (2020-01-01)
Enhancement of the conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells is crucial for the improvement of renewable electricity resources. The device properties such as minority carrier lifetime, series resistance, contact resista...
Comparative Evaluation of Rear Local Contact Patterns for P-Type Mono Crystalline Silicon PERC Solar Cell
Asav, Hasan; Bektaş, Gence; Kececi, Ahmet Emin; Kokbudak, Gamze; Arikan, Bulent; Turan, Raşit (2020-01-01)
© 2020 IEEE.The passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) is an advantageous type of solar cell to reduce rear surface recombination [1] along with its improved back surface reflectivity [2]. Therefore, many research and dev...
Impacts of a photovoltaic power plant for possible heat island effect
Demirezen, Emre; Akınoğlu, Bülent Gültekin (2018-07-06)
Today, solar energy conversion technologies take a significant place within the efforts of obtaining renewable and sustainable energy around the world, and show a rapid progress. One of the most common technologies is phot...
Optimization of open-tube furnace diffusion with Bbr3 liquid source for industrial p-type boron doping process
Orhan, Efe; Kökbudak, Gamze; Semiz, Emel; Es, Fırat; Turan, Raşit (Middle East Technical University; 2018-07-06)
In this study, optimization of boron emitter for n-type crystalline Si solar cells has been studied in detail. Industrial open-tube (atmospheric) furnace with BBr3 as liquid B source was utilized which is a preferred dopan...
The Status of MCT Detector Development at ASELSAN
Eker, Suleyman Umut; Kaldirim, Melih; Sasmaz, Emrah; Demircioğlu, Olgu; Tolunguc, Alp; Asici, Burak; San, Ayse; Barutcu, Berna; Eroglu, Huseyin Cuneyt; Ozer, Selcuk (2018-04-19)
ASELSAN A. S., the largest defense company in Turkey, initiated research activities on developing Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) detectors in 2014. These research activities include bulk crystal growth and surface prepara...
Study of screen printed metallization for polysilicon based passivating contacts
Çiftpınar, Hande E.; Stodolny, Maciej K.; Wu, Yu; Janssen, Gaby J.M.; Löffler, Jochen; Schmitz, Jurriaan; Lenes, Martijn; Luchies, Jan-Marc; Geerligs, L.J. (Elsevier BV; 2017-9)
We investigate contacting of n- and p-type polysilicon (polySi) passivating contact layers with industrial screen-printed metal pastes, examining both fire through (FT) and non-fire through (NFT) pastes. The n- and p-type ...
KÖKBUDAK, GAMZE; Çiftpınar, Emine Hande; DEMİRCİOĞLU, OLGU; Turan, Raşit (2016-12-01)
In the development of high efficiency crystalline Si solar cells, decreasing bulk and surface recombination velocities of the minority carriers is vital. As the bulk recombination could be suppressed by enhancing the mater...
Evolution of Al/Al2O3 Layer on Glass Substrates during N-2 Anneal
Ünal, Mustafa; Sokmen, Ilkay; Colakoglu, Tahir; Turan, Raşit (Elsevier BV; 2016-05-06)
Light trapping is essential for thin film solar cells to decrease the solar electricity cost. Aluminum induced texturing (AIT) is an alternative and effective method for light trapping. Various parameters effects the final...
Aluminum Induced Glass Texturing (AIT) on Soda-Lime, Borosilicate, Alkali-Free and Silica Glass For Thin Film Solar Cell Applications
Ünal, Mustafa; Günöven, Mete; Tankut, Aydın; Sökmen, İlkay; Turan, Raşit (2015-12-10)
Texturing of glass substrate is an alternative novel method for light trapping, which to enhance the absorbed light by way of increasing the diffused transmittance (haze) so that the amount of absorbed light will be increa...
Optimisation and design of PV modules for the application on bus roof-top and system integration for solar cooling
DEMİRCİOĞLU, Olgu; ES, FIRAT; Çiftpınar, Emine Hande; ZEYBEK, Akin; TUNCER, Cahit; Turan, Raşit (2015-09-18)
In this study, an external electrical cooling unit powered by PV modules was installed on the roof‐top of a bus to keep cooled interior atmosphere at a certain temperature level during the journey breaks. All solar cells u...
Effect of aluminum thickness and etching time of aluminum induced texturing process on soda lime glass substrates for thin solar cell applications
Ünal, Mustafa; Gunoven, Mete; Sokmen, Ilkay; Tankut, Aydin; Turan, Raşit (2015-04-29)
In this study, aluminum induced texturing (AIT) technique is used to increase light absorption in thin film by way of increasing the portion of the diffuse transmitted light (haze). For this purpose, various AIT process pa...
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