Department of Educational Sciences

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Entity Type
Publication (1034)
Thesis (626)
Project (59)
Open Course (17)

Has File(s)
No (991)
Yes (744)

Kondakçı, Yaşar (108)
Erdur Baker, Özgür (96)
Demir, Ayhan Gürbüz (93)
Taneri, Pervin Oya (91)
Çapa Aydın, Yeşim (88)

Education (78)
Education. (73)
Teachers (43)
English language (37)
Eğitim (31)

Date Issued
1968 - 1979 (2)
1980 - 1999 (153)
2000 - 2019 (1227)
2020 - 2024 (353)

Item Type
Journal Article (429)
Master Thesis (421)
Conference Paper (353)
Ph.D. Thesis (205)
Book Chapter (111)

Recent Submissions

İlişkisel Temel Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar Ölçeği'nin Geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışmaları
Aydın, Gökçen; Eker Durmuş, Esra; Akbaş, Ufuk; Sümer, Zeynep; Özbay, Yaşar; Tatlı, Cemre Erten; Akçabozan Kayabol, Nazlı Büşra; Karacan Özdemir, Nurten; Çağ, Pınar (2024-12-01)
Virtual exchange as a mode of internationalization at a distance: Experiences from Türkiye
Calikoglu, Alper; Bulut Şahin, Betül; AŞIK, ASUMAN (2024-11-22)
This study examines virtual exchange (VE) as a mode of internationalization at a distance through the Turkish higher education context. Recognizing the constraints of geographical mobility, VE emerges as a viable alternati...
Teacher Identity and Symbolic Boundaries: A Case Study of a Private School
Göktürk Ağın, Duygun; Soycan, Nihan (2024-11-01)
This study examines professional identity experiences of teachers working in a private high school in Ankara and the role of symbolic boundaries in teacher identity. The research questions inquire teachers' evaluation and ...
Inclusive Internationalization: The Barriers to Studying Abroad and The Practices of Internationalization at Home:  Perceptions of Students from Turkey
Bulut Şahin, Betül (2024-10-19)
Travma Psikolojisi
Erdur Baker, Özgür; Aksöz-Efe, Idil; Doğan, Türkan (Pegem A Yayıncılık, 2024-10-01)
Investigating the Predictive Roles of Perceived Stress, Valuing, Cognitive Defusion, and Mindfulness on Academic Procrastination: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Perspective
Ekici, Gizem; Barutçu Yıldırım, Kadriye Funda (2024-10-01)
Examining the Problems of the Teachers Appointed within the Scope of Supporting the Integration of Syrian Children into the Turkish Education System (PIKTES) Project
Taneri, Pervin Oya; Ugur, Nevruz (2024-09-01)
PIKTES is an education project carried out by Ministery of National Education (MoNE) to contribute to the access of children under temporary protection to education in Türkiye. This qualitative study examines the challenge...
Barutçu Yıldırım, Kadriye Funda; Yıldırım, Ahmet; Hürmeriç Altunsöz, Irmak (2024-07-29)
Teacher Identity and Symbolic Boundaries: A Case Study of a Private School
Göktürk Ağın, Duygun; Soycan, Nihan (2024-07-26)
The inclination of neoliberalism to eradicate teacher identity is also supported by Turkish literature focusing on public school teaching (Buyruk, 2015; Durmaz, 2014). Considering the differing workflow, structure and t...
Predictor Roles of Self-Compassion, Parental Reflective Functioning, and Perfectionism on Parental Stress
ÖZBİLGİN İŞİLDAK, AZİZE BÜŞRA; Barutçu Yıldırım, Kadriye Funda (2024-07-15)
In Memory of Kadir Beycioğlu: Introduction to the Special Issue on Social Justice in Educational Administration and Leadership
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Örücü, Deniz (2024-06-30)
Barriers to Establishing Partnerships in terms of Internationalization of Higher Education: The example of Turkey - UK case
Erdoğan, Armağan ; Bulut Şahin, Betül (2024-06-01)
Internationalization has become an increasingly important global target and process for the higher education sector. Higher education stakeholders aim to enlarge their benefits from this phenomenon, and policies and practi...
English Language Teachers' Perceptions and Educational Needs Regarding the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in English Language Instruction
Köprülü, Sultan; Ural, Fadime; Çakır, Nur; Engin Demir, Cennet (2024-05-21)
Benefits of Informal Mentoring for Student-Teacher
Fazlıoğlu, Dilek; Çakır, Nur (2024-04-11)
Turkish Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Relationship Mindfulness Measure in an Emerging Adult Sample
Taşkesen, Nureda; Barutçu Yıldırım, Kadriye Funda (2024-04-01)
While latest research has accepted the importance of mindfulness in mental health, its role in interpersonal well-being receives less attention, including the necessary measurement tools. This study aimed to translate the ...
Harmanlanmış Tasarım Eğitimi: Deneyimler, Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar
Süner Pla Cerda, Sedef; Öztürk, Elif; Ünlü, Canan Emine (2024-03-25)
The pandemic has had a noteworthy impact on education and design studios are no exception. While there have been challenges, these impacts have opened up new opportunities for innovation and creativity. Depending on this r...
How boundaries work in higher education: an ethnographic account of Ph.D. students’ identity formation
Göktürk Ağın, Duygun (2024-03-01)
An Evaluation of the Spatial Repercussions of Student Mobility Policy in European Higher Education Area Using Network Analysis
Şahin, Savaş Zafer; Bulut Şahin, Betül; Emrah Söylemez (2024-03-01)
The mobility of international students is a crucial tool for the European Union's goal of creating a unified European Higher Education Area. Despite the initial assumption that all European universities and students can be...
The Road to Partnerships with Turkish Higher Education Institutions
Bulut Şahin, Betül; COE, JAMES; BRODIE, KAREN (2024-02-20)
Personal and social facilitators of student engagement: transition into higher education
Vardal-Ocakli, Sermin; Ok, Ahmet (2024-1-01)
Facilitating student engagement at all levels of higher education is critical, but since transition-year experiences pave the way for further engagement, it requires more attention. Considering its significance and impact ...
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