Department of Modern Languages, Article

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Entity Type
Publication (40)

Has File(s)
No (28)
Yes (12)

Balbay, Seher (14)
Doğan, Buket (3)
Erkan, Gökçe (3)
Karbi, Gamze (3)
Abal, Sema (2)

Education (3)
Materials Chemistry (2)
Polymers and Plastics (2)
Academic honesty (1)
Adaptation to educational technology (1)

Date Issued
1991 - 1999 (4)
2000 - 2009 (4)
2010 - 2019 (12)
2020 - 2022 (20)

Item Type
Journal Article (37)
Book Review (1)

Recent Submissions

Metaphors of University-Industry Relations: Interpretations on Technology Development Zones Unveiled
Yılık, Mehmet Ali; Kondakçı, Yaşar (2022-08-01)
Predicting the Effect of COVID-19 on Education Process in Turkey
GORGULU, Deniz; Abal, Sema; CELIK, Methi; ARISOY, Mehmet (2022-7-01)
COVID-19 has affected education. Education is one of the areas affected. Although many countries closed educational institutions, as the government policy offered, Turkey continued through distance education. The aim of th...
Challenges of migrant students in Turkish higher education
Yılmazel, Gizem; Atay, Derin (2022-01-01)
© 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Migrant students, including refugees and international students who begin or continue their education in Turkey, encounter several challenges. This study aimed to identify the challenges ...
Micro-credentials, higher education and career development: Perspectives of university students
Yılık, Mehmet Ali (2021-12-01)
Emergence of micro-credentials, digital qualifications less than a degree, is rooted in an increased demand for quality and digitalized higher education, and a growing demand for skilled human capital tailored for the indu...
English language teaching and language teacher education in Turkey- An Evolutionary Overview
Balbay, Seher (2021-10-01)
This study provides a much-needed socio-political perspective on language teaching in Turkey and identifies key influences and orthodoxies past and present and their impact on current practices of language learning. The re...
"Könnt ihr micht gut hören?" DaF-Unterricht in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie
Karbi, Gamze (2021-10-01)
Im März 2020 wurden infolge der Corona-Pandemie die Universitäten in der Türkei geschlossen. Die Umstellung auf digitalen Fernunterricht stellte sowohl Lernende als auch Lehrende vor große Herausforderungen. In diesem Be...
An evaluation of local mentor support in AE E-Teacher educational technology integration online teacher training course
Balbay, Seher (2021-10-01)
This study addressed a different approach to online language teacher training programs. The researchers investigated the pros and cons of having local mentor support for an online course titled Using Technology in the Engl...
Professional critical awareness development in preservice ELT students in spoken English classes
Balbay, Seher (2021-09-01)
Online language learning in times of crisis: Hindrance or opportunity?
Balbay, Seher (2021-09-01)
Socratic seminars
Balbay, Seher (2021-06-01)
Effects Of Covid-19 On Gifted Students Quality Of Life (Qol Gss): Scale Development and Application
Erçetin, Şefika Şule; Potas Kaya, Nihan; Açıkalın, Şuay Nilhan; Koçtürk, Nilüfer; Abal, Sema (2021-04-01)
How english language instructors coped with the onset of the pandemic and remote language teaching: a case study
Erkan, Gökçe; Balbay, Seher (2021-01-01)
This paper reports on the emergency remote education period of the instructors at the School of Foreign Languages of a Turkish state university. The university the study was conducted in, along with all other higher educat...
Teacher feedback and student feedback on writing tasks: A comparative study
Kırsaç, Elif; Yılmazel, Gizem (2021-01-01)
This research aims to investigate if peer feedback is any different from teacher feedback. The study was conducted in a non-profit foundation university with 40 A1 level preparatory school students. Students were given a w...
Using Muted-Video Enactments to Develop Sociolinguistic Awareness
Erkan, Gökçe; Balbay, Seher (2021-01-01)
Silent films have long been shown during language classes to ease contextual and pragmatic acquisition. Equally empowering, muted videos are commonly used to help students to learn culture-laden and fixed expressions. They...
Film als vielschichtiges Medium im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Genç, Ayten; Karbi, Gamze (2020-12-01)
In dieser Arbeit soll der Einsatz von Filmen als audiovisuelles Unterrichtsmaterial im Fremdsprachenunterricht erörtert werden. Bei räumlichen und kulturellen Entfernungen zum Zielsprachenland ermöglicht Filmmaterial sprac...
The Road that Paved the Way for Recent Research Methods in ELT
Balbay, Seher (2020-12-01)
Review of Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation
Balbay, Seher (2020-12-01)
Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation
Balbay, Seher (2020-11-01)
Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation, Zoltan Dornyei. Routledge, NY/USA (2020). 186 pp., Paperback: $34.99, ISBN:978-1-138-59916-1 (c) 2020 EJAL & the Authors. Published by Eurasian Journal of Applied...
Worldmaking via construction of language acts
Doğan, Buket (2020-07-23)
In 1978, Nelson Goodman coined the term “worldmaking” to show that several other “worlds” may exist along with the single “world” that most think they know. To be after a single absolute meaning of the “world” in the post-...
Deutsch als Fremdsprache in der Türkei - eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme
Karbi, Gamze (2020-02-01)
Deutsch als Fremdsprache in der Türkei – eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme Gamze Karbi (Ankara, Türkei) 1 Türkisch-Deutsche Beziehungen und die Anfänge des Deutschunterrichts 2023 wird die Türkische Republik 1...
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