Department of Philosophy, Thesis

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Entity Type
Thesis (349)

Has File(s)
Yes (332)
No (17)

Akbay, Gökhan (2)
Akkın, İbrahim Okan (2)
Aktaş, Abdullah Onur (2)
Akıncı, Semiha (2)
Arıcı, Murat (2)

Philosophy. (50)
Ontology. (16)
Aesthetics. (14)
Ethics. (13)
Social Sciences and Humanities (12)

Date Issued
1981 - 1989 (21)
1990 - 1999 (59)
2000 - 2009 (104)
2010 - 2019 (146)
2020 - 2022 (19)

Item Type
Master Thesis (245)
Ph.D. Thesis (103)
Thesis (1)

Recent Submissions

Cüyaz, Mehmet Taylan; Grünberg, David; Department of Philosophy (2022-2-01)
This thesis is intended to achieve two main goals. First, it evaluates the historical development and the philosophical outcomes of the different semantic theories. This evaluation will comprise selected works that represe...
Predication in Aristotle's Categories: A Response to Plato's Theory of Forms
Duran, Zeynep; Güremen, Refik; Department of Philosophy (2021-10-4)
This study aims to provide a textual evidence to the idea of reading the Categories of Aristotle as a criticism of the Platonic Theory of Forms, by means of Metaphysics, A, 9, 990b22-991a8 and Alexander’s commentary on it ...
Sakin Hanoğlu, Derya; Sol, Ayhan; Department of Philosophy (2021-10)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether morality is uniquely human, and to argue that emotions are the basis of morality in the sense that moral behavior is produced by emotions. In order to support my suggestion,...
Anarchism and justice
Aytekin, Feyyaz Meriç; Parkan, Barış; Rittersberger, Helga İda; Department of Philosophy (2021-10)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the differences between two conceptions of justice: Eternal Justice (Themis) and Social Justice (Dike). In our modern world, justice has always been perceived as a distributive and legi...
The Reconcilability of Non-Euclidean Geometries with Kant's Philosophy of Mathematics
Çöteli, Can; Bağçe, Samet; Department of Philosophy (2021-9-27)
This thesis examines Kant’s philosophy of geometry, and the possibility of reconciling non-Euclidean geometries with Kant’s philosophy of geometry. Kant believed that the propositions of Euclidean geometry are necessary an...
The development of Hegel’s immanent approach: ancient scepticism and the method of Phenomenology of Spirit
Aksoy, Barış Engin; Çırakman, Elif; Department of Philosophy (2021-9)
This thesis tries to read ancient scepticism as a precedent of Hegel’s method in the Phenomenology of Spirit, and Hegel as the fulfillment of scepticism, as both the most radical form and overcoming or sublation of it. The...
Guattari's Machines and The Original Perspectives
Kut, Engin; Shores, Corry; Department of Philosophy (2021-9)
Although Felix Guattari extensively incorporated the terminology from the Freud-Lacan line of psychoanalysis, he employs those terms in a revolutionary way in his philosophical outlook. Besides central concepts such as des...
The language-thought relationship on the basis of precedence of thought over language
Arısoy, Elif; Grünberg, David; Department of Philosophy (2021-8)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between language and thought on the basis of the claim that thought precedes language. The claim is meant that the processes of thought might occasionally be possible w...
The value of sociability in Rousseau, Hegel, and Nietzsche
Karatekeli, Emre; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2021-5)
This thesis investigates the political philosophies of Rousseau, Hegel, and Nietzsche, as regards the relation between sociability and freedom. Firstly, I argue that Rousseau’s fundamental view undergoes a drastic shift in...
Understanding As Listening: Dostoevsky Influence on Bakhtinian Philosophy
Kocaoğlu, Deniz; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2021-3-11)
The primary purpose of this study is to reveal the difference between early and later philosophy of Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin in terms of his ideas on the nature of intersubjective relationships. The main claim is that ...
Amartya Sen‘s capability approach and its relation with John Rawls‘ justice as fairness.
Esmer, Songül; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2021-3-10)
This thesis aims to examineAmartya Sen‘s capability approach and its relation with John Rawls‘ ―justice as fairness.‖In order to reveal Sen‘s capability approach,John Rawls‘ justice as fairnessis explained a...
Art and difference in deleuze: how do you glitch yourself?
Yalçın, Melike Başak; Shores, Corry Michael; Department of Philosophy (2021-1-25)
The main concern of this thesis is to investigate the critique of representational thinking in Deleuze and to comprehend the notion of Body without Organs (BwO) in relation to aesthetic experience as an alternative to such...
The thought of process in hegel and whitehead: Life and vitality
Karaosmanoğlu, Toprak Seda; Baç, Mutlu Murat; Department of Philosophy (2020-10-22)
The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the thought of process in Hegel and Whitehead in the context of life and vitality. The concept of life has a special place for both Hegel and Whitehead. While for Whitehead, the sit...
Philosophical implications of cantor’s set theory
Şahin, Şafak; Grünberg, David; Department of Philosophy (2020-10-13)
This thesis is devoted to examining Georg Cantor’s understanding of infinity and his philosophy of mathematics. Even though Aristotle differentiated the concept of infinity as potential infinite and actual infinite, he a...
Time as the ground of transcendence: a dialogue between Kant and Heidegger
Beşkardeşler, Sedef; Baç, Mutlu Murat; Department of Philosophy (2020)
In this dissertation, I attempt to present a critical dialogue between Immanuel Kant and Martin Heidegger in terms of time. Heidegger sees his own project of the interpretation of Critique of Pure Reason as a retrieval (Wi...
An analysis of the value debate in environmental ethics
Demir, Onur; Sol, Ayhan; Department of Philosophy (2020)
The aim of this study is to give a general understanding about the value approaches in environmental ethics. I will analyze non-anthropocentric theories based on intrinsic value and pragmatist approach to ...
Therapeutic philosophy: wittgenstein and heidegger
Temizler, Büke; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2020)
Considering comparative studies in philosophy, the relationship between philosophies of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger has a remarkable place in history. In this thesis, I attempt to discuss their philosophies to...
A study on alevi humanism
Sürücü, Betül; Parkan, Barış; Department of Philosophy (2020)
The aim of this study is to discuss the connection between Alevism and Humanism with a detailed examination. The main question of the thesis is whether Alevism can be linked to Humanism or not. The concepts of humanism in ...
A philosophical analysis of the biological accounts of morality and altruism
Bilgin, Arda; Sol, Ayhan; Department of Philosophy (2020)
The main purpose of my thesis is to show that morality is not unique to humans and it does not separate humans from nature. To that end I first discuss the issue of emotions to emphasize that biological accounts are more s...
A critical assessment of John Rawls’s Theory of Justice as fairness
Eryılmaz, Ene; İnam, Ahmet.; Department of Philosophy (2019)
This dissertation is a critical analysis of John Rawls’s theory of justice in its historical and philosophical context. To that end, his works from A Theory of Justice (1971) to Justice as Fairness: A Restatement (2001) ar...
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