Test and Measurement Center In advanced Technologies (MERKEZ LABORATUVARI)

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Publication (176)
Project (12)
Patent (3)

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Köksal, Serhat (29)
Şeker, Tamay (20)
Mutlu, Pelin (19)
Yıldız, İlker (19)
Hasırcı, Nesrin (14)

Materials Chemistry (14)
Condensed Matter Physics (11)
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (9)
Surfaces, Coatings and Films (8)
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Journal Article (104)
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Recent Submissions

Endoğan Tanır, Tuğba (2024-12-01)
Biyomürekkepler; biyomalzeme ve canlı hücrelerle birlikte bazı durumlarda büyüme faktörleri veya biyomoleküller de içeren formülasyonlardır. Biyomürekkepler biyobaskı tekniği ile katman katman basılarak insan doku veya org...
Solar-driven calcination of clays for sustainable zeolite production: CO2 capture performance at ambient conditions
Paşabeyoğlu, Pelin; Deniz, Erdem; Moumin, Gkiokchan; Say, Zafer; Akata, Burcu (2024-10-01)
This study presents the environmentally sustainable synthesis of zeolites from solar-calcined kaolin and halloysite, emphasizing their application in CO2 capture due to their distinctive porous structures and chemica...
Variations of chemical, physical, mechanical properties, and biological and antimicrobial effectiveness of Ti alloys by coating with CaP doped with different amounts of Zn via micro-arc oxidation (MAO) technique
BÜYÜKSUNGUR, SENEM; Parau, Anca Constantina; Dinu, Mihaela; Pana, Iulian; Vitelaru, Catalin; Schmidt, Jürgen; Endoğan Tanır, Tuğba; Hasırcı, Vasıf Nejat; Vladescu (Dragomir), Alina; Hasırcı, Nesrin (2024-10-01)
Titanium alloys are preferred metals as implant materials due to their advantageous combination of low density and high biocompatibility. However, the augmentation of implant surfaces with calcium-based coatings becomes es...
Role of pyrite on oxidative degradation of some chlorophenolic compounds with zero- valent iron/H2O2 system
KANTAR, ÇETİN; ORAL, ÖZLEM; Yıldız, İlker (2024-05-19)
Influence of pyrite on oxidative treatment of diclofenac with zero-valent iron/H2O2 system coupled with chemical precipitation under controlled and uncontrolled pH conditions
Oral, Ozlem; KANTAR, ÇETİN; Yıldız, İlker (2024-01-20)
Batch experiments, combined with surface measurements, were conducted to elucidate the impact of pyrite on diclofenac treatment by zero-valent iron (ZVI)/H2O2 system. In binary systems with ZVI/H2O2, diclofenac removal was...
Methylene blue treatment with zero-valent iron/pyrite/H2O2 system under static and continuous flow conditions: Reaction mechanism and toxicity evaluation
Oral, Ozlem; Arslan, Şevki; Mercan Dogan, Nazime; Yıldız, İlker; KANTAR, ÇETİN; Hafis Abdelsalam, Amine; Kuzucu, Volkan (2024-01-01)
Laboratory batch and continuous flow studies, coupled with surface and toxicity analysis, were performed to evaluate methylene blue treatment by heterogeneous Fenton process using zero-valent iron (ZVI) and pyrite as co-ca...
Effect of pyrite on the treatment of chlorophenolic compounds with zero-valent iron-Fenton process under uncontrolled pH conditions: reaction mechanism and biodegradability
Oral, Ozlem; KANTAR, ÇETİN; Yıldız, İlker (2024-01-01)
This current study explored the effect of pyrite on the treatment of chlorophenolic compounds (CP) by Fenton process with micron-sized zero-valent iron (ZVI) as the catalyst. The experiments were conducted in batch reactor...
Sentetik Hidrojeller
Endoğan Tanır, Tuğba (ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 2023-12-01)
Synthesis and characterization of b-site controlled la-based high entropy perovskite oxides
Yıldız, İlker (2023-12-01)
High entropy perovskite oxide materials are a highly promising class of materials with a wide range of potential applications. They offer a unique combination of perovskite oxides and high entropy oxides, making them suita...
Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence properties of NaMgF3:Dy,Eu synthesized by hydrothermal method and DFT calculations for the bandgap
Guckan, V.; Bokhari, S.W.; Altunal, Volkan; Varan, Nazlı Ece; Kurt, K.; Yıldız, İlker; Gao, W.; Yegingil, Z. (2023-11-01)
This study indicates Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) radiation dosimetry characteristics for NaMgF3:Dy1%,Eu0.1% fluoroperovskite. Nanocrystalline NaMgF3:Dy1%,Eu0.1% material was synthesi...
A Standard Method Verification for Determination of Sugar Content of Commercial Fruit Juices by HPLC
Doğan, Tuğba; Şeker, Tamay (2023-07-01)
This study aimed to verify the standard test method TS EN 12630 and determine the sugar contents of commercially available fruit juices by high pressure liquid chromatography. A laboratory should verify the standard test m...
The Effects of “Transition to Professional Life’’ Course on Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
Ünder, Ümran ; Çavuş, Mustafa ; Akyıldız Munusturlar, Müge ; Akdoğan, Emre ; Görkem, Sultan Funda ; Tuna Öztürk, Eda; Balkan, Sevgin Aysu ; Banar, Müfide (2023-06-01)
Üniversite son sınıf öğrencilerinin kariyer gelişimleri için gerekli yetkinliklerin kazandırılması ve var olan yetkinliklerinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla tasarlanan ESTÜ401 Profesyonel Hayata Geçiş (1+1; 2 ECTS) dersinin, öğ...
Yükselmiş Kıyı Çökellerinde Karadeniz’in Geç Pleyistosen-Holosen Özellikleri
Erturaç, Mehmet Korhan; Şahiner, Eren; Kandemir, Raif; Sağlam Selçuk, Azad; Çelen, Meltem; Okur, Hilal; Dikbaş, Aynur; Hasözbek, Altuğ; Barredo, Fernando Jiménez; Köksal, Serhat; Süer, Selin; Kazancı, Nizamettin (2023-04-10)
ÖzDünya’nın önemli iç denizlerinden olan Karadeniz’in buzul vebuzullararası dönemlerde Akdeniz, Marmara ve Hazar Denizi ilebağlantıları oldukça karmaşıktır. Karadeniz’in Geç Pleyistosen-Holosen zaman aralığındaki yüksek se...
Radyojenik İzotop Jeokimyasının Arkeolojide Uygulanması: Faydaları ve Handikapları
Köksal, Serhat; Pişkin, Evangelia; Durdu, Gamze; Süer, Selin; Küçük, Aynur (2023-04-10)
ÖzYerbilimleri ve diğer birçok disiplin gibi arkeoloji alanında daradyojenik izotop jeokimyasından yararlanılmaktadır. Radyojenikizotop jeokimyası verileri, eski uygarlıkların yaşam şekilleri vekoşulları ile farklı bölgele...
Unveiling the effect of Hf-(Mo,W) addition on the coarsening, agglomeration, and dissolution behaviour of γ'-Ni3Al precipitates in model Ni-based superalloys
Eriş, Rasim; Akdeniz, Mahmut Vedat; Mehrabov, Amdulla (2023-03-05)
In compositional design of Ni-based superalloys, atomic size of alloying elements appears as the primary factor affecting alloy strengthening. Depending on atomic size, the phase partitioning preferences of alloying elemen...
Coffee-Derived Exosome-Like Nanoparticles: Are They the Secret Heroes?
Kantarcıoğlu, Murat; Yıldırım, Gülşen; Akpınar Oktar, Pınar; Yanbakan, Serpil; Özer, Zeynep Büşra; Yurtsever Sarıca, Deniz; Taşdelen, Serpil; Bayrak, Emel; Akın Balı, Dilara Fatma; Öztürk, Seçkin; Akçalı, Kamil Can; Ezer, Üstün; Kürekçi, Ahmet Emin (2023-02-01)
BACKGROUND: Regular coffee consumption has beneficial and preventative effects on liver and chronic neurodegenerative diseases. However, the studies performed with the ingredients found in coffee beverages have not clarifi...
Kızıltay, Aysel (ODTÜ Yayınları, 2023-01-01)
Facile Synthesis and Origin of Enhanced Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance of 2H-Hexagonal Ba2CoMnO6-delta as a New Member in Double Perovskite Oxides
Erdil, Tuncay; Lökçü, Ersu; Yıldız, İlker; Okuyucu, Can; Kalay, Yunus Eren; Toparlı, Çiğdem (2022-12-06)
Perovskite oxides have been considered promising oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalysts due to their high intrinsic activity. Yet, their poor long-term electrochemical and structural stability is still controvers...
Synthesis and investigation of anti-cancer activity of novel substituted alkylsulfonyl 1H- benzo[d]imidazole derivatives in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
Abbade, Yemna; Kışla, Mehmet Murat; Al-Kassim Hassan, Mohammed; Doğan, Tuğba; Mutlu, Pelin; Alagöz, Zeynep (2022-11-24)
Güneydoğu Anadolu Orojenik Kuşağında, Kale (Malatya, GD Türkiye) Bölgesindeki Geç Kretase Volkanik Yay Magmatizmi: U-Pb Zirkon Yaş, Tüm Kaya ve Sr-Nd İzotop Jeokimya Kanıtları
NURLU, NUSRET; Köksal, Serhat; Kohut, Milan (2022-11-20)
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