Center for Wind Energy (RÜZGEM)

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Entity Type
Publication (28)
Project (1)

Has File(s)
No (26)
Yes (3)

Şahin, Mustafa (18)
Yavrucuk, İlkay (9)
Sezer Uzol, Nilay (8)
Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi (7)
Aslan, Ezgi (2)

Acetylcholinesterase (1)
Acetylcholinesterase; benzothiazole; cytotoxicity; (1)
Aerodynamics (1)
Benzothiazole (1)
Boeing 737-300 (1)

Date Issued
2012 - 2019 (7)
2020 - 2025 (22)

Item Type
Conference Paper (18)
Journal Article (7)
Book Chapter (2)
Project (1)

Recent Submissions

Boundary Layer Transition Measurements on NLF(1)-0416 Airfoil using Infrared Thermography and Comparisons with 2D RANS Predictions
Çağdaş Kalayc, Ahmet; Aslan, Ezgi; Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Sezer Uzol, Nilay; Uzol, Oğuz (2025-01-01)
This study presents an experimental and numerical investigation on the boundary layer transition characteristics of the NLF(1)-0416 airfoil. The experiments are conducted in the large-scale subsonic wind tunnel of METU Cen...
Operation of Turbine Blade Pitch Controlller under Different Icing Conditions and Wind Speeds
Şahin, Mustafa (2024-11-22)
The impacts of atmospheric icing on performance and behavior of a controlled large-scale wind turbine
Şahin, Mustafa; Farsadi, Touraj (2023-11-01)
Icing degrades turbine performance by altering the geometry of blade airfoils, reducing turbine power output, and increasing structural loads. In this study, the impacts of atmospheric icing on the full performance and beh...
Transition Predictions for DU 00-W-212 Airfoil at High Reynolds Number and Comparisons with Experimental Measurements
Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Adam, Ali Ata; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2023-05-25)
Yenilikçi Uyarlanabilir Bir Zarf Koruma Sisteminin Farklı Rüzgar Türbinleri Üzerindeki Etkinliğinin İncelenmesi
Şahin, Mustafa; Yavrucuk, İlkay (2023-01-01)
Atmosferik Buzlanmanın Kontrol Edilen Rüzgar Türbin Performansına Etkileri
Şahin, Mustafa (2022-12-26)
Icing deteriorates the performance of wind turbine rotors by changing the blade airfoils' shapes. It decreases the lift, increases the drag, and subsequently causes power production losses and load increase on turbines' st...
Mathematical Modeling of Wind Turbines
Şahin, Mustafa; Yavrucuk, İlkay (NOVA Science Publishers Inc., 2022-09-01)
Wind Turbine Controller Design
Şahin, Mustafa; Yavrucuk, İlkay (NOVA Science Publishers Inc., 2022-09-01)
Adaptive envelope protection control of wind turbines under varying operational conditions
Şahin, Mustafa; Yavrucuk, İlkay (2022-05-01)
This study introduces a new Envelope Protection System (EPS) algorithm forwind turbines. The algorithm is adaptive to turbine-changing operational conditions and can effectively reduceturbineexcessive/ultimate loads. Throu...
Effects of Atmospheric Icing on Performance of Controlled Wind Turbine
Şahin, Mustafa (2022-03-18)
Icing deteriorates the performance of wind turbine rotors by changing the blade airfoils’ shapes. It decreases the lift, increases the drag, and subsequently causes power production losses and load increase on turbines’...
Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Twisted Tall Building
Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2021-12-20)
Wind Turbine Modeling and Challenges
Şahin, Mustafa (2021-09-27)
One field of Aerospace Engineering is wind turbines due to their aerodynamic and structural designs, etc. These machines are one of the prominent systems for electricity generation in the world. Now, more than 90 countries...
Rüzgar Türbinleri için Yenilikçi Uyarlanabilir bir Zarf Koruma Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi ve Farklı Rotor Çaplarındaki Türbinler Üzerinde Simülasyon Testleri
Şahin, Mustafa; Yavrucuk, İlkay (2021-09-23)
Rüzgâr Türbini Kanat Kesiti İçin Yüksek Reynolds Sayılarında Çözüm Ağı Bağımsızlık Çalışması
Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2021-09-23)
Bu bildiride rüzgar türbini kanatlarında kullanılan kalın kanat profillerinden DU 00-W-212 profilinin 3 farklı yüksek Reynolds sayısı (3, 6 ve 9 milyon) için aerodinamik performansı Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) yö...
Aerodynamic Analyses of Thick Wind Turbine Airfoils for High Reynolds Numbers
ASLAN, EZGİ; Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2021-09-08)
In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of flow around thick have been performed. Thick airfoils are generally preferred in wind turbine blades for structural and aerodynamic performances. High Reynolds flo...
An Algorithm for Wind Turbine Protection under Iced Rotor Blades
Şahin, Mustafa; Yavrucuk, İlkay (2021-09-08)
CFD Analysis of A Wind Turbine Airfoil at High Reynolds Numbers
Aslan, Ezgi; Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2021-07-14)
MS (Mustafa Sahin) Bladed Rüzgar Türbin Simülasyon Modeli ve Bazı Önemli Yetenekleri
Şahin, Mustafa (2021-07-01)
Bu çalışma, pal elemanı momentum (BEM) teorisi üzerine kurulan MS (Mustafa SAHİN) Bladed Rüzgar Türbini Simülasyon Modelinin tanıtılması, özellikleri ve bazı önemli yeteneklerinin uygulamalarla göstermek amacıyla hazırlanm...
Grid independence study for a thick airfoil: DU00-W-212 at high Reynolds numbers
Orbay Akcengiz, Ezgi; Sezer Uzol, Nilay (2021-05-25)
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)
Klionsky, Daniel J.; et. al. (2021-01-01)
In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and releva...
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