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Zhang, J. (1146)
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Project (605)

Recent Submissions

Overcoming the Barriers of Brain Cancer Treatment: Targeted and Fully NIR Absorbing Photodynamic Therapy Agents with Extremely Low Molecular Weights and Controlled Lipophilicity
Günbaş, Emrullah Görkem(2025-10-31)
Photodynamic therapy for brain tumours ; Brain cancer has a dismal five-year survival rate due to the high percentage of inoperable tumours and the limited number of drugs that can pass through the blood–brain barrier. Th...
Low-dose natural clay Kaolin promotes the growth of submerged macrophytes and alters the rhizosphere microorganism community: Implications for lake restoration
Sun, Shangsheng; Chou, Qingchuan; Ding, Qi; Su, Yuqing; Su, Haojie; Jeppesen, Erik; Wang, Liqing; Zhang, Wei (2025-08-01)
Sediment properties have a crucial effect on the growth and recovery of aquatic plants in lakes. Addition of various chemical substances has been proposed to reinforce the recovery of plants after a nutrient loading reduct...
Japan and Europe Network for Neutrino and Intensity Frontier Experimental Research 2
Zeyrek, Mehmet Tevfik(2025-5-31)
JENNIFER2 is the evolution and development of the research and communication activities currently being carried on by the JENNIFER MSCA-RISE project, which will be concluded at the end of march 2019. The new challenges of...
Response of the submerged macrophyte Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner to warming in different climate regions: A synchronized oligohaline mesocosm experiment
Billah, Md Masum; Yılmaz, Gültekin; Alves Amorım, Cıhelıo; Kuyumcu, Meltem; Arıkan, Onat; KORKMAZ, MUSTAFA; Arık, İrem Gamze; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Jeppesen, Erik; Özkan, Korhan (2025-05-01)
Submerged macrophytes play a crucial role as primary producers and contribute essential ecosystem functions and services, but rising temperatures caused by climate change may alter their functional traits. We aimed to asse...
Linearly implicit methods for the nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation
Uzunca, Murat; Karasözen, Bülent (2025-05-01)
We present energy-preserving linearly implicit integrators for the nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation, based on the polarization of the polynomial functions. They are symmetric, second-order accurate in time and space, and un...
Environmental controls on the conversion of nutrients to chlorophyll in lakes
Naderian, Danial; Noori, Roohollah; Kim, Dongkyun; Jun, Changhyun; Bateni, Sayed M.; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Sharma, Sapna; Shi, Kun; Qin, Boqiang; Zhang, Yunlin; Jeppesen, Erik; Maberly, Stephen C. (2025-04-15)
Anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus to lakes have increased worldwide, causing phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations to increase at many sites, with negative implications for biodiversity and human usage of ...
Sources of variation in preschoolers’ relational reasoning: The interaction between language use and working memory
Esmer, Şeref Can; Turan, Eylül; Karadöller Astarlıoğlu, Dilay Zeynep; Göksun, Tilbe (2025-04-01)
Inflow-modulated inputs of dissolved organic matter fuel carbon dioxide emissions from a large hyper-eutrophic lake
Qian, Mingrui; Zhou, Yongqiang; Zhou, Lei; Zhang, Yunlin; Pu, Yang; Drake, Travis W.; Davidson, Thomas A.; Spencer, Robert G.M.; Brookes, Justin D.; Jeppesen, Erik (2025-04-01)
Terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) is potentially reactive and, upon entering lake ecosystems, can be readily degraded to low-molecular-weight organic matter and dissolved CO2. However, to date, there has been limi...
NaBi(MoO4)2 crystal: Defect states and luminescence properties for optoelectronic applications
Isik, M.; ALTUNTAŞ, GÖZDE; Hasanlı, Nızamı; Darvishov, N.H. (2025-03-15)
This paper investigates the electronic and optical properties of NaBi(MoO4)2 crystal through absorbance, thermally stimulated current (TSC), and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Absorbance analysis revealed important i...
Limit groups and automorphisms of κ-existentially closed groups
Kaya, Burak; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut; Longobardi, Patrizia; Maj, Mercede (2025-03-15)
The structure of automorphism groups of κ-existentially closed groups has been studied by Kaya-Kuzucuoğlu in 2022. It was proved that Aut(G) is the union of subgroups of level preserving automorphisms and |Aut(G)|=2κ whene...
Parental attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and the use of gestures in children’s math development
Yılmaz, Begüm; Doğan, Işıl; Karadöller Astarlıoğlu, Dilay Zeynep; Demir-Lira, Ö. Ece; Göksun, Tilbe (2025-03-01)
Children vary in mathematical skills even before formal schooling. The current study investigated how parental math beliefs, parents’ math anxiety, and children's spontaneous gestures contribute to preschool-aged children’...
Lateglacial and Holocene hydroclimatic variability documented by Cladocera of Tolbo Lake in the Altai Mountains, western Mongolia
Li, Yuan; Liu, Xingxing; Wang, Wenjia; Xiang, Lixiong; Hu, Yu; Jeppesen, Erik; Demberel, Otgonbayar; Zolbayar, Jargalsaikhan; Huang, Xiaozhong (2025-03-01)
The Altai Mountains contain rivers, lakes, and glaciers critical for the survival of both social and ecological systems. Reconstructing past hydroclimatic changes is crucial for understanding human-environment interactions...
Eu3+ doped MB4O7 (M= Ca and Sr) nanoparticles for cancer treatment
Yıldırım, İpek; Çetin Altındal, Damla; Yılmaz, Ayşen (2025-03-01)
Design, strategies and recent advances in conjugated polymers for supercapacitors
Cevher, Duygu; Çırpan, Ali (2025-02-15)
The discovery of clean and renewable energy sources has necessitated the advancement of efficient energy storage technologies and devices to ensure sustainable economic development. Batteries and supercapacitors play signi...
Dissolved organic carbon can alter coastal sediment phosphorus dynamic: Effects of different carbon forms and concentrations
Ma, Shuo-Nan; Dong, Xu-Meng; Xu, Ji-Lin; Zhao, Chun-Pu; Liu, Miao; Wang, Hai-Jun; Jeppesen, Erik (2025-02-01)
Coastal waters are receiving increasing loads of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), differing in structural complexity and molecular weights with potential different effects on the phosphorus (P) dynamics in these waters. Thi...
Thermoluminescence characterization of CaB4O7:Al (CBT:Al)synthesized by solid-state method
İflazoğlu, Sera; Emir Kafadar, Vural; Yılmaz, Ayşen (2025-02-01)
Continuous and systematic research into calcium tetraborate (CTB) is essential due to its potential as a promising material for dosimetric applications. This study focuses on developing a novel phosphor by doping CTB with ...
Rebuilding Antakya: Cultivating urban resilience through cultural identity and education for post-disaster reconstruction in Turkey
Aydin, Nazli Yonca; Çelik, Kezban; GEÇEN, REŞAT; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Duzgun, Sebnem (2025-02-01)
On February 6th, 2023, 11 cities around the southeast of Turkey were hit by a major earthquake with magnitude of 7.9 and 7.6, which resulted in mass destruction and loss of lives in many cities. Antakya, Hatay was one of t...
Fonksiyonel Olmayan Akıl Yürütme Görevleri (Türkçe Versiyon): Klinik Olmayan Örneklemde Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Tunç, Ece; Yorulmaz, Orçun (2025-1-30)
Çıkarıma Dayalı Yaklaşım (ÇDY), Obsesif-Kompulsif Bozuklukta (OKB) şüphenin rolüne odaklanan, nispeten yeni, süreç odaklı bir yaklaşımdır. Bu yaklaşımda önemli bir bilişsel süreç olan çıkarımsal karmaşa, işlevsel olmayan a...
Investigating Sociodemographic Features, Childhood Trauma, Personality and Psychological Symptoms as Predictors of Emotional Eating
Herdi, Oğuzhan; Bektaş, Nazlıcan; Avcil, Cumhur (2025-1-30)
This study examined the relationship of sociodemographic variables, childhood traumas, personality traits, and psychological symptoms with emotional eating in adults. The study was conducted on a total of 382 individuals a...
Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Mevsimsel Değişimler Yardımseverliği Nasıl Etkiler? Psikolojik İyi Oluş ve Kaygının Aracı Rolü
Kiremitçi Canıöz, Elvan (2025-1-30)
Mevsimsellik, değişen mevsim koşullarından etkilenme düzeyi olarak ifade edilmektedir. Mevsim geçişlerine bağlı olarak görülen hava sıcaklığı ve gün ışığından yararlanma süresindeki değişimler, psikolojik sağlık üzerinde e...
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